- The Danish Export Finance Corp. 丹麦出口融资公司。
- The nice gift was also a thank you, to the Prince, for his big support over the years to the Danish export businesses and therefore also FOSS. 亲王多年来一直给予FOSS集团及丹麦出口业很大支持,因此,这份礼物同时表达了FOSS集团的由衷感谢。
- The Danish Export Promotion Council 丹麦出口推广协会
- Rules of Procedure of the Danish Institute of A. 哥本哈根仲裁程序规则。
- Maersk is part of the Danish A. P. Moller Group. 马士基是丹麦A.;P
- The Danish experience proves this point. 丹麦的经验证明了这一点。
- Case study compiled by the Danish Invention Centre. 本案例研究由丹麦发明中心编制。
- Added some tv dates to the Danish Cup. 增加了一些丹麦杯的电视转播日期。
- This must have been the Danish Consulate, then? 韩佳:那这肯定是丹麦领事馆了?
- The Danish decision comes as a surprise. 丹麦人的决定出人意料。
- As a one-time Chief Economist of the Australian Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) over some 14 years,I hasten to add that ECA's can very effectively promote trade and Investment. 曾经作为澳大利亚EFIC十四年的首席经济家,我需要立刻加上一点:ECA可以非常有效地促进贸易和投资。
- Faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle. 对付丹麦军的进攻,艾尔弗雷德尽力避开正面交锋。
- Fixed a scheduling problem with the Danish Under 18 leagues. 修正了丹麦18岁以下联赛的赛程问题。
- The Danish wordbreaker is used as an example in the steps below. 下面的步骤使用丹麦语断字符作为示例。
- Prior to the law's enactment, most of the Danish clergy opposed it. 在通过该法规之前,多数丹麦神职人员反对此法规。
- The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) was founded in 1872. 丹麦气象学研究所(DMI)成立与1872年,至今已有100多年的历史。
- The Danish grammarian Jespersen first proposed the idea in 1886. 最先由丹麦语法学家叶斯伯森于1886年提出。
- Banking - Trade and Export Finance 银行-金融貿易生意
- The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries. 丹麦法在9世纪和10世纪时,由丹麦入侵者和殖民者在英国东北部施行的法律体系
- The embargo impacted on export revenues. 禁运对出囗总收入有很大的影响。