- The Camel and His Master 骆驼和主人
- The Arab mounted the camel and rode away. 那个阿拉伯人骑上骆驼走了。
- Puss ordered his master to go for a swim and his master obeyed. 穿靴猫叫他的主人下去游泳,他的主人照着做了。
- Despite being surrounded by orcs, Sam and his master are reunited. 尽管被半兽人重重包围,山姆和他的主人还是会合了。
- And his master said to him, What did Elisha say to you? 主人问他说,以利沙对你说什么?
- The dog heard his master's whistle and broke into a run. 这条狗听到他主人的口哨声,就蓦地开始跑起来。
- The dog remained faithful to his master. 这条狗始终忠于它的主人。
- DDasLlaiillaammaa and his masters from the west must be proud. 那大濑拉马和他西方的主子肯定会高兴了。
- The camel desire horn and lose her ear. 知足不辱。
- The camel is a herbivorous animal. 骆驼是一种食草动物。
- The servant enjoyed his master's confidence. 这仆人深得主人的信赖。
- The last straw breaks the camel's back. 最後一根稻草压断骆驼的背。
- He stole away an Irishman's bride,and took a French leave of me and his master. 他拐走了一位爱尔兰人的新娘,并且背着我和他的主人私自逃走了。
- Shuozhou city located 15 kilometers northwest of the camel and the foot of the hill is a Paleolithic human sites, the Chinese Academy of Sciences found in 1963. 位于朔州城西北15公里的黑驼山脚下,是一处旧石器时代的人类遗址,中国科学院1963年发现。
- The car bumped and his forehead hit the glass. 汽车颠簸了一下,他的前额撞到了玻璃上。
- Japan Tobacco international (JTI), which supplies the Camel and Winston brands in Bulgaria, said the amendment would hurt cigarette companies by making the market unpredictable. 在保加利亚供应骆驼和云丝顿品牌的日本烟草国际公司说,通过制造市场的不可预测性,修订的法律将会伤害卷烟公司。
- The servant tried to gauge his master's mood. 那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
- The camel lives in the desert and eats grass. 骆驼在沙漠里生活,以草为食。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- And Iesus said, Hath not the same God made of the same substance the camel and thy children who serve thee, and have ye not one breath of life which ye have both received from God ? 伊酥说,上帝难道没有给服务你的骆驼和你的孩子相同的实体,并且你没有呼吸到同样是上帝带来的生命气息吗?