- The Cabinet dissolved the Diet. 内阁解散了议会。
- I read the news from Nagata street, where the Diet and the Cabinet gather, and Kasumigaseki (government office street), which is about the new type of flu. 我看从永田町(国会和首相官邸等的地址)和霞个关(中央机关集中地)发来的新闻。这是关于新型流感的。
- They have found out the mole in the cabinet. 他们已经发现了内阁中的间谍。
- The fall of the Cabinet will make good copy. 内阁的垮台将成为(报纸等的)好材料。
- He handed in his resignation right after the cabinet meeting. 内阁会议一开完,他就提出了辞呈。
- He dissolved the sugar in a glass of milk. 他将糖溶解在一杯牛奶中。
- The cabinet members resigned en bloc. 内阁成员集体辞职。
- The military government dissolved the injunction. 军政府废除了禁令。
- I put my collection of old glasses in the cabinet. 我把收集的古玻璃器皿放在橱里。
- They add welcome variety to the diet of the people. 它们给人民增添了受欢迎的食品。
- They are recomposing the cabinet. 他们正在改组内阁。
- Heat dissolved the candle into a pool of wax. 热使蜡烛化成一摊蜡。
- She dissolved the tablet in a glass of water. 她将药片溶解在一杯水中。
- After a few years in the wilderness he is reappointed to the Cabinet. 他消沉了几年之後,又获任命进入了内阁。
- Fatty acids in the diet also helped. 报道说食物中的。
- The decree officially dissolved the marriage. 该法令正式解除了他们的婚姻。
- Please maintain the good life and the diet custom! 请保持良好的生活及饮食习惯!
- The Cabinet evolved from the Privy Council. 内阁导源于枢密院。
- The cabinet meets tomorrow to discuss this problem. 内阁明天将举行会议讨论这个问题。
- Stick to your principles; stick to the diet. 坚持你的原则;坚持食谱。