- The Buffalo and the Tiger 水牛和老虎
- This season, plaid shirt graced the runways in two main patterns -- the buffalo and the tartan. 今年,时尚界主要流行两种类型的格子:大方格子衬衫和小花格子衬衫。赶紧来看看哪款合适你吧。
- The cat and the tiger have similar features. 猫同虎有类似的特点。
- The murderer is a mixture of the tiger and the ape. 这个凶手既残暴,又狡猾。
- The tiger and the lion belong to the cat family. 老虎和狮子属于猫科。
- Extermination of the Buffalo and the Destiny of the Indians on the Great Plain 野牛的灭绝与大平原印第安人的命运
- There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character. 他既残暴又狡猾。
- It was really exciting having only a cage between me and the tiger. 我和老虎之间只隔了一道栅栏,实在是太刺激了。
- What is the Battle Between the Dragon and the Tiger? 龙虎斗是一道什么样的菜?
- There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his nature. 他的本性既残暴又狡猾。
- Descendants of the buffalo and bison, cattle fulfilled many uses in man's past and present. 牛是原始水牛和野牛的后代,从古至今,牛满足了人类的种种需求。
- The buffalo and cow horns hang the book from ancient to present, in wadding orography Wen Wen, studies Wu Wujiu. 牛角挂书从古到今,在绵山学文文就,学武武就。
- This is also how the Native Americans survived the difficult and cold winters of the plains; they would watch nature and follow the buffalo and wapiti (elk) herds. 这也是美国土著可以在平原艰难寒冷的冬天也能得以幸存的原因;他们会观察大自然并跟随野牛和麋鹿群。
- Grandet combined the characteristics of the tiger and the boa constrictor. 讲起理财的本领,葛朗台先生是只老虎,是条巨蟒。
- In so doing, they could not only hunt some of the buffalo and wapiti for fur and food source, but also eat of the roots, nuts, berries and grasses that they likewise consumed. 这么做,他们不仅可以猎取野牛和麋鹿作为毛皮和食物来源,还可以与它们一样以树根,坚果,浆果和草类为食。
- Buffalo nickel in the 1913-1938 issue, the famous artists james earle fraser development of the western region of the victims of the United States - to commemorate the buffalo and Indians. 布法罗镍在1913至1938年的问题,著名艺术家詹姆斯厄尔弗雷泽西部大开发的受害者,美国-纪念水牛和印度人。
- The native Indians needed the buffalo. 土著印第安人需要野牛。
- There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of that guy. 那家伙生性既残暴又狡猾。
- The settlers killed the buffalo. 于是他们就开始捕杀野牛,
- "I fear both the Tigers of Detroit and the Indians of Cleveland. “我担心底特律老虎队,也担心克利夫兰印第安人队。”