- The man came at the boy with a stick. 那人拿著一根棍子向男孩扑过去。
- He switched the boy with a cane. 他用手杖抽打那个小孩。
- Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck? 脖子上围着红领巾的男孩是谁?
- Who's the boy with a red tie round his neck ? 脖子上围着红领巾的男孩是谁?
- The boy with a bag on his back is called Jack. 背上背着书包的那个男孩叫杰克。
- The boy with a school bag on his back is my son. 那个身背书包的小男孩是我儿子。
- He threatened the boy with a beating. 他以揍一顿来威胁这个小孩。
- Who's the boy with a pencil behind his ear? 耳朵背后挂着铅笔的男孩是谁?
- He strapped the boy with a leather belt. 他用皮带抽打那个男孩。
- The boy with a newspaper is John. 拿着报纸的男孩是约翰。
- He thrashed the boy with a stick. 他用棍子打那男孩。
- The boy with a black cap is Mike., The boy is wearing a black cap. 是戴黑帽子,是正在戴黑帽子,搞来搞去还是没弄明白,后来魏玲玲同学说
- The Boy with a Fawn 男孩与小鹿牛仔的梦想
- The doctor dosed the boy with quinine. 医生令那孩子服奎宁。
- Do you know the boy with a pair of glasses on his nose? 你认识那个戴眼镜的男孩吗?
- The nurse pierced the skin of the boy with a lancet. 护士用刺血针刺入男孩的皮肤。
- The boy is playing with a toy plane. 小男孩正在玩一架玩具飞机。
- The boy with a white hat has a new comer. Some students played a trick on him. 那个戴白帽子的男孩子是新来的,一些同学捉弄他。
- Fixing the boy with a steady look, the teacher forced him to tell the truth. 老师紧盯着这个男孩, 迫使他讲出实情。
- Over there sat a boy with a dog behind him. 有个男孩坐在那边,后面跟着一条狗。