- The Big Four Global Trends 四大全球趋势
- THE Big Four look embarrassingly male at their most senior levels. 四大(theBigFour)的最高层令人尴尬的都是男性。
- Today, the big four state banks in China are, essentially, insolvent. 今天,中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力。
- Official estimates put NPLs at the big four commercial banks at 22 per cent. 官方估计四大商业银行的不良贷款比率为22%25。
- The root of the big tree trends to edge away the corner stone. 这棵大树的根可能会把墙角石顶走。
- It's been suggested Edu is now heading to England for trials with one of the big four. 这表明他很可能前往英格兰四家大俱乐部中的一个接受新的挑战。
- Sharply rising NPLs could erode already thin capital bases, especially outside the Big Four lenders. 急剧上升的不良贷款,有可能侵蚀本已薄弱的资本基础,尤其是“四大”以外的银行。
- Currently, the non-performing loans held by the big four banks is a main impediment for China's financial account convertibility. 亚洲金融风暴的发生,也使中国对金融帐开放的态度趋于保守。
- Before joining Jade Co., Danny was a member of the audit department in one of the Big Four accounting firms for many years. 在加入捷得以前,她在某四大之一的会计师事物所的审计部任职多年。
- He will further please the big four by signalling that he plans no early crackdown on their ability to do lucrative tax work for audit clients. 他还向四大事务所发出信号,暗示自己不打算过早压制它们,让他们继续有能力为审计客户提供赢利丰厚的税务服务,这会进一步赢得四大事务所的好感。
- That little bop made away with the big pie. 小男孩把大馅饼吃光了。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- If one of the big four international accounting firms collapsed, some large quoted companies might be stuck without an alternative. 如果这四大中有一家突然垮掉,有些大型公司就可能再也找不到另外的选择。
- Edward is the big daddy of our golf club. 爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。
- Why would the big four music companiesagree to let Apple and others distribute their music without using DRM systemsto protect it? 为什么四大唱片公司将同意让苹果和其他人不使用DRM系统保护去分享他们的音乐呢?
- The big car purred along the road. 那辆大汽车一路呜呜地开了过去。
- For the Big Four, these problems are reinforced by their unwieldy federations of individual member firms scattered around the world. 对四大而言,他们遍布全球的独立成员所华而不实的联盟更加剧了这些问题。
- Small shop is crowded out by the big supermarket. 小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤。
- Global trends are undermining the valuations of both companies. 全球趋势正在破坏这两家公司的估值。
- To add to their difficulties the Big Four are now aggressively re-entering the field of advisory services, necessitating a new burst of hiring. 而四大现在高调重返管理咨询界则令人才紧缺的状况进一步加剧,迫使他们进行新一轮的大规模招聘。