- One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is the Word of God is fulfilled prophecy. 圣经中的预言能够如实地应验,是证明圣经确是神话语的其中一个证据。
- The Bible is the statute-book of God's kingdom. 圣经是上帝国度的六法全书。
- The Bible is the word of God 圣经是神的话
- The Bible is the inerrant written Word of God, the complete revelation to mankind and absolute authority for the live of Christians and ministry of the Church. 圣经是完全无误的神的话语,是对人类的全部启示和教会事工及基督徒生活的绝对权威。
- Puritans believed that the Bible was the word of God. 清教徒相信圣经上写的都是上帝的话。
- This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 这比喻乃是这样:种子就是上帝的道。
- The Bible is the authoritative source of true teaching about God. 圣经是有关上帝的权威解释。
- The criterion for sanctification is the Law of God (Word of God). 成圣的准则:就是上帝的律法,上帝的话。
- The Bible is only partly the work of inspiration. 圣经只是部分被灵示的。
- The Bible is not only the book of God but also the god of books. 圣经不单是上帝话语,也是所有书籍的神。
- The Bible is the most published book in the history of the world. 《圣经》是历史上在全世界印刷量最大的书。
- The Word of Ishvara, is AUM (or OM). This is the Pranava. 以音声的模式展现,那就是神圣的AUM(或OM)。
- Bible is word of God, not God. The Canonization of the ????ure is nothing but the Holy Church writing it down to prevent heresy. g圣经完成前,和圣经完成后,神引导人的方法是不同的;神在旧约让人用乌陵土明,捻阄,摇签来寻求神的旨意,但今天这些方法都废弃了
- What is the literal meaning of the word? 这个字的原义是什么?
- And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains.On the one hand, Bellarmine, bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God. 在罗马夜晚的薄雾中,两难处境未变:巴拉敏一方面是官僚教会的辩护人,相信圣经是上帝亲口所说;
- Is the wording of "confirmed" necessary for the letter of credit? 信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗?
- Jesus is spoken of as "Son of God".Nowhere in the Bible is he called "God the Son", as Trinitarian teaching states. 基督是“神的儿子”,并非“圣子”,如“三位一体”的教条,所说。
- We are all called in the Bible as children of God. 圣经称我们为神的儿女,甚么意思?
- Thank You, Lord, for the good happenings in my life. For the word of truth in the Bible. 主啊,感谢你赐下我们生命中的美事!感谢你赐给我们圣经的真理!