- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 赶快,要不然我们会赶不上演出的。
- I missed the beginning of the film. 电影的开头部分我没有看到。
- The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。
- At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke. 在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。
- Today should be saluted as the beginning of a new era. 应把今天看作是一个新时代的开始来庆祝。
- I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year. 我预祝大家岁首大吉。
- I start shearing the sheep at the beginning of July. 我一般在7月初开始剪羊毛。
- I'm just kicking my heels until the beginning of the new term. 新学期开学前,我一直无所事事。
- Every actor have cold feet just before the begin of a show. 每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。
- The cold weather broke at the beginning of April. 寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。
- At the beginning of each class, I count off the students. 每节课开始的时候我都先数一下学生人数。
- It rained on and on for three whole days at the beginning of our holiday. 我们的假期刚开始时,雨就整整下了3天。
- The sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage. 我们出海时,海上风平浪静。
- The absolute storage address of the beginning of a program or block. 一个程序或数据块开始的绝对存储器地址。
- He was outclassed from the beginning of the race. 他从一起跑就被人超过了。
- Nobody knows what the beginning of his trouble was. 没人知道他虑的原因是什麽。
- It was the beginning of the spring and the sap was rising in the boys. 正当初春季节,勃勃的生气在小伙子们身上奔涌。
- It was the beginning of a tornado. 这是龙卷风的雏形。
- It is still the beginning of the home epic. 它依然是一篇家庭叙事诗的开端。
- The Beginning of Beiyang 北洋初期