- The problems encountered during the bilingual teaching process in the Armed Police Academy and the countermeasures 武警学院双语教学面临的问题及对策
- On the Construction and Implementation of Teaching System by Practice in the Armed Police Academy 武警学院实践教学体系的构建与实施
- Statistical analysis of dissertations authors and citation of journal of the Armed Police Academy 我院学报载文作者及引文统计分析
- The Armed Police Academy 武警学院
- Zhao went to a class by the armed police squad police. 赵军还特地去武警中队借了一个班的警力。
- The armed police forces are important armed strength in China. 摘要武警部队是我国一支重要的武装力量。
- They are standing there arm in arm, facing the armed police angrily. 他们站在那儿臂挽着臂;愤怒地面对武装警察。.
- Last year, my brother joined the armed police and became an honorable soldier. 去年,哥哥光荣地成为武警部队的一名战士。
- The armed police should strive for all-round improvement and be loyal guards of the Party and the people forever. 武装警察部队要加强全面建设,永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士。
- The army,the armed police and the militia have played an important role in defending and building up our motherland. 军队、武警和民兵在保卫和建设祖国中发挥了重要作用。
- To officers and men of the People's Liberation Army,the Armed Police and the public security police. 向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和其他各界人士,对政府的信任和支持,表示衷心的感谢。
- With cooperation between the armed police and civilians, this forest fire was finally put out. 军警和百姓齐出动,终于扑灭了这场森林大火。
- The money is a shoot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。
- The Armed Police Force has three echelons of leadership,namely,general headquarters,contingent (division) and detachment (regiment). 武警部队设总部、总队(师)、支队(团)三级领导机关。
- The old woman led her grandson by the arm. 那老婆婆牵着外孙的手。
- The armed forces of the PRC are composed of the PLA,both the active and reserve components,the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia. 中华人民共和国的武装力量由中国人民解放军现役部队和预备役部队、中国人民武装警察部队、民兵组成。
- In the nationwide administrative hierarchy, the Armed Police contingents, detachments, and squadrons are instituted at province, prefecture, and county levels respectively. 在中国各级行政区划内,省级设武警总队,地区级设武警支队,县级设武警中队。
- He draped his legs over the arm of the chair. 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 职业军人在武装部队中谋职的人
- The armed forces of the PRC are composed of the PLA, both the active and reserve components, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia. 中华人民共和国的武装力量由中国人民解放军现役部队和预备役部队、中国人民武装警察部队、民兵组成。