- Treaty Establishing a Common Market between the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; 阿根廷共和国、巴西联邦共和国、巴拉圭共和国和乌拉圭东岸共和国建立共同市场条约;
- What Are the Causes of the Argentine Crisis? 阿根廷经济危机的根源究竟何在?
- The Argentine Republic 阿根廷共和国
- Moreover, the Republic of Paraguay decided to apply the Argentine Civil Code until 1986. 另外,巴拉圭共和国直到1986年都适用阿根廷民法典。
- Yet the Argentine attacker is worth a bet. 但是阿根廷的前锋值得一赌。
- The Argentine debacle has important lessons to teach. 阿根廷的崩溃提供了重要的教训。
- The Argentine second biggest cruiser was sunk by British torpedoes. 阿军的第二大巡洋舰被英军鱼雷击沉。
- The task force bombed the Argentine positions day and night. 英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。
- Abbondanzieri was replaced by Franco in the Argentina goal. 第71分钟:阿邦丹谢里被弗朗戈替换下场。
- The task force bombed the Argentine positio day and night. 英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。
- Will you watch the Argentine NT in the Soccer World Cup? 你会看阿根廷足球队的世界杯比赛吗?
- Was defeated by the Argentina Team in the football match. 中国青年足球队。
- In the second chapter, I retrospect the Argentina's crisis. 第二章是对阿根廷危机的回顾。
- The Argentina captain escapes a possible three-match ban. 阿根廷球星避免了禁赛三场的处罚。
- The Argentine troops surrendered on June14, the3 rd day of the general assault. 阿军于6月14日,也就是总攻的第三天就投降了。
- This led the argentine civil law and its doctrine could be highly considered. 这使阿根廷民法及其学说配受高度评价。
- The Argentine swivelled and his arm seemed to strike Beckford's head. 阿根廷球星转身时手臂似乎击打到了贝尔福德的头。
- The Argentine troo surrendered on June 14, the 3rd day of the general a ault. 阿军于6月14日,也就是总攻的第三天就投降了。
- Ignore the Argentine brigade to express finally how, I will support after all. 不管阿根廷队最后表现如何,我都会支持到底。
- Trefoloni spots a foul by the Argentine and awards Lazio a free kick. 特拉弗洛尼判阿根廷人犯规,对方任意球。