- The 1st VOE Poetry Agon! 查看完整版本:大奖期待您!
- Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew, a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。热烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采
- Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew,a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! I am your hostess,Rhapsodia. 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采,庆祝VOE第一届诗歌创作比赛晚会现场。
- The bill is due on the 1st this month. 这张支票本月一号到期。
- Talent is the 1st asset of Cooper. 人才是库柏最大的财富。
- Why draft Yi when we can use the 1st pick on Oden? 为什么要选易?我们完全可以用第一的顺位选奥登!
- "Beaty &the Beast" is the 1st book torn by Noah! "美女与野兽"是第一本被嘉信撕破的书!
- Our room was on the 1st floor.. Grossest stay EVER! 我们的房间在第一层。。。环境是我们所遭遇过最恶劣的!
- The 1st Battalion had already gone northward. 1营在此前即已北上。
- Take the 1st road to the right, Montrose Avenue. 取消政策:如果在入住日20天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。
- It was also celebrated around the 1st of November. 并且也是在11月1日左右庆祝。
- The bill is due on the 1st inst. 这张支票本月一号到期。
- Our regiment is attached to the 1st bridge. 我团属第一旅
- Our pay is reckoned from the 1st of the month. 我们的薪水从每月的第一天算起。
- Take the 1st exit for Bray and cross the flyover. 膳食安排: 丰盛的英国式早餐 包括在房费内。
- This was the 1st time seeing the Chinese Sin Seh. 我:手;有时会麻痹.;头晕到没有
- Pythonic!What is the 1st word in this sentence? 回答本句第一个单词是什么?
- Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper. 从今天起三星期後,即五月一日,你必须把报告交上来。
- A chord of C major with E in the bass is in the 1st inversion. 用E做最低音的C大调主和弦是第一转位.
- The first unit to receive P-38s was the 1st Fighter Group. 第一支使用P-38的部队是美军第1飞行大队。