- Are you prepared to submit to my decision? 他准备对我的决定让步吗?
- Submit to the city planning bureau. 上报市规划局。
- They refused to submit to the unjust decision. 他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。
- The metal was submitted to analysis. 对该金属进行了分析。
- Pleading must be submitted to the court when the action is set down for trial. 在诉讼被登记进入审判前答辩状必须呈交法院。
- I submit to you that the accused is guilty. 我向你提交那上被告是有罪的。
- How can you submit to his roughing? 你怎么能甘受他的粗野暴行?
- I asked that the proposal be submitted to a special committee in Shenyang. 我要求把这个建议交给沈阳的特别委员会考虑。
- A wise man submits to circumstances. 识时务者为俊杰。
- The minority should submit to the majority. 少数应服从多数。
- I did not submit to having my freedom limited. 我不甘于我的自由受到限制。
- I submit to your superior judgement. 我接受你的明智的判断。
- He was too proud to submit to such treatment. 他的自尊心太强,不甘于受那种对待。
- I do not think you shall submit to defeat. 我认为您应该鼓足勇气。
- The captain submitted to his mutinous crew. 船长向反叛的船员们妥协了。
- Why then do you submit to this false-hearted king? 那么为什么你们屈从于这个奸诈虚伪的国王呢?
- For some time she refused to submit to them. 在一段时间内她拒绝向他们低头。
- The motion was submitted to the city council. 该动议已向市议会提出。
- I submit to being parted from you. 我只好忍痛跟你分别了。
- We have to submit to law of gravity. 我们必须服从引力定律。