- 他把那么一套不象样子的衣服卖给一位脾气特别的百万富翁。He sold an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that!
- 如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?TABLE 60px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="90%25" border=0>
How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew? - n. (=of the same)同样ejusd.
- 当事件发送是应用程序关键路径的一部分时,多数情况下通常使用SAME事务模式。The SAME transaction mode is most commonly used when the event emission is part of the critical path for the application.
- 他讲那么一种方言土语, 我根本不懂他说什么。He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.
- 可有那么一会But for a moment he did not look at her body;his eyes were anchored by the freckled face with its faint, bold smile
- 那么一沟绝望的死水,The stretch of hopeless dead water
- 你死命地跑,只能跑那么一段时间,到了喘不上气的时候,只好停下来。You can run sprints only so long before you're out of breath.
- 我们之间就那么一次。It's just a one-shot thing going on here.
- 有那么一条路径,国王。There is such a route, good king.
- 这就是事事不顺心的那么一天!One of those days It was just one of those days!
- 有那么一天曾帮我解除了咒语A single day had helped me break this spell
- 他就是那么一种小心眼的人。He was that sort of little man.
- 如果有那么一天,在国外学习后,我想我会回去,为的是能继续跑下去。And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going.
- 鸿渐给辛楣那么一说,心里得意,假装不服气道:“副教授就不是人?Inwardly pleased with all this, Hung-chien pretended to take umbrage, saying, "So an associate professor is a nobody, is he?
- 对于这些东方人,你永远也搞不清,他们有时候搞了那么一大帮子侍从。You never know with these Oriental gentlemen, they've sometimes got quite a big entourage with them.
- 这样一间小草屋原来还有那么一段不平凡的历史。Such a small thatched house even has so extraordinary a history.
- 那么一句话,你想要回你的钱。是吗?So what it boils down to is that you want your money back. Yeah?
- 天哪,他们怎么会筹集到那么一笔钱啊?How in heaven's name could they raise a sum like that?
- 即使在文明人之中,时不时也可以看出那么一丁点一夫一妻本能的痕迹。Even in civilized mankind faint trace of a monogamic instinct can sometimes is perceive.