- n. (=of the same)同样ejusd.
- 脑浆迸裂have one's brains dashed out
- 脑浆价值?How much is your blog worth?
- “the very same man”中的“very”是一个强语意的副词。"Very" in "the very same man" is an intensive adverb.
- 脑浆迸流All one's brains gushed forth
- 当事件发送是应用程序关键路径的一部分时,多数情况下通常使用SAME事务模式。The SAME transaction mode is most commonly used when the event emission is part of the critical path for the application.
- 脑浆四溅One's brains were scattered in all directions
- 炎热,正到我的脑浆溶化。It is hot and melts to my brain.
- 取消“大锅饭” ", " give up the practice of ", " ", " eating from the same big pot ", ";abolish egalitarianism
- 记住: 我希望它踢出你的脑浆!”And take that,I hope he'll kick out your brains!'
- 记住:我希望它踢出你的脑浆!”And take that, I hope he'll kick out your brains!'
- 这个登山者从悬崖上掉了下去,跌在下面的岩石上,脑浆迸出而死。The climber fell from the cliff and dashed his brains out on the rocks below.
- 起来,否则我就把你的脑浆洒在这草地上。Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass.
- 特别值得指出的是,该地区同一个体发生食管/贲门双原发癌(简称双源癌Concurrent Cancers from Esophagus andGastric Cardia in Same Patient,CC)并非罕见,双源癌检出率可高达0.4-2.5%。It isnoteworthy that the concurrent cancers from esophagus and gastric cardia in same patient (CC) is not uncommon in this area, with an incidence of 0.4-2.5%25.
- 起来,否则我就把你的脑浆洒在这草地上。Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass.
- 车祸事故现场有一地血迹和脑浆子,真是恶心。The scene of the traffic accident is covered with blood and brains, which is extremely disgusting.
- 他从悬崖上掉下去,摔在下面的岩石上,将脑浆摔出。He fell over the cliff-edge and dashed out his brains on the rocks below.
- 他的头上有一个很大的口子,脑浆正在从头骨里滴出来!His head was split wide open, and his brains were dripping out of his skull!
- 斑点蓼