The results showed that physics properties of weak acid glovemeasured up to ASTM D3578-01. The pH value of the latex glove product kept goodstability and satisfied the request for durability for 5 months under the dry, airtightcondition.

  • 研究中对弱酸芦荟乳胶手套物理性能及其表观质量、pH 值的耐久性进行了检测。 结果表明:弱酸芦荟乳胶手套物理性能测试符合 ASTM D3578-01 标准,而且弱酸芦荟乳胶手套成品在干燥、密封的条件下经过 5 个月的存放,其 pH 值保持良好的稳定性,满足了耐久性的要求。
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