The filament was observed on the surface of fracture, this phenomenon was not been reported. DMA analysis showed that compared with NR/NCaCO 3 vulcanizates, both the T g and the loss tangent of NR/NCaCO 3- Sm(OH) 3 and NR/ NCaCO 3 -Zn(OH) 2 increased.

  • 动态力学分析表明 ,与未改性纳米碳酸钙填充天然橡胶 (NR/NCaCO3 )的硫化胶相比 ,NR/NCaCO3 -Sm(OH) 3 和NR/NCaCO3 -Zn(OH) 2 硫化胶的玻璃化转变温度稍有上升 ,内耗也略有增大。
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