The amino acid sequence in all of these 6 clones is the same,HYEFWAWNWEAN, which is hydrophobic as N terminal of C34.Conclusion This phage display peptide can mimic the epitope of HIV 1 gp41 CHR ,and bind with HIV 1 gp41 NHR.

  • 上述 6个阳性克隆经DNA测序 ,氨基酸序列相同 :HYEFWAWNWEAN ,其明显的疏水性质类似于C34N末端 ,特异性鉴定显示这些克隆均能够与HIV 1gp4 1N多肽结合。 结论 该噬菌体克隆展示肽可模拟HIV 1gp4 1CHR多肽表位 ,并可与N多肽结合
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