- That will be her last throw. 那将是她最后的孤注一掷。
- Don't throw away your savings on shares that will be worthless in a few years. 别把你的积蓄浪费在几年后不值钱的股票上去。
- That will be fine. What's the flight number and departure time? 太好了。请告诉我班机号码与起飞时间?
- That will be all right. They've fallen into line with us. 那没问题,他们已经和我们达成协议。
- Emma. Lisa will be her maid of honor. 结婚的是埃玛,莉莎将是她的伴娘。
- It is how this number is known that will be described in due course. 将在适当的时候加以说明的,乃是这一数字的来源。
- It will be her turn soon to be teased. 她这下反而被别人嘲笑了。
- That will be the postman at the door now. 正在门口的可能是邮递员。
- This is a crisis now. What will be her next move? 现在这是一个转折点。她下一步的举措会是什么?
- That will be a total of eighty N T. 那总共八十台币。
- That will be his wife with him, I suppose. 我想,和他一起去的那位一定是他的夫人吧。
- All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song. 这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,公众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。
- That will be twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. 二十七美元五十美分。
- That will be C yuan for a day return. 售票员: 当天往返票是C元。
- That will be a sure card to fetch him. 这个办法一定可以把他找来。
- This will be her first match for her country; she hasn't yet been blooded. 她将首次代表国家参赛,这是破题儿第一遭。
- That will be the only thing to do now. 这恐怕是目前唯一可能的办法。
- "It will be her turn soon to be teazed," said Miss Lucas. “你这一下反而被别人嘲笑了,”卢卡斯小姐说。
- The letter that will be typed is on the table. 要打字的信在桌子上。
- Very good. That will be all for now. 非常好,现在没事了。