- That man is a miserable coward. 那人是个卑鄙的懦夫。
- True, Tommy is a miserable coward. 汤姆确实是个卑鄙的懦夫。
- That man is a card-carrying idiot. 那人是一个标准的白痴。
- That man is a ringer for so-and-so. 那个人很像某人。
- That man is a little wrong in the upper storey. 那人的头脑有些不正常。
- That man is a volunteer fireman in this town. 那个人是这个镇里的志愿消防队员。
- That man is a teacher, is not he? 那个人是一个老师,不是吗?
- That man is a businessman, isn't he? 那个男人是位商人,对不对?
- That man is a big cheese at Empire Bank. 那个人是帝国银行的重要人物。
- That man is a danger to society. 那人对于社会是个危险人物。
- That man is a total phony, he palms himself off as a Ph.d. 那家伙是个彻彻底底的冒牌货,他冒称是个博士。
- "That man is a famous star," Xiao Yang told me in a whisper. 小杨低声告诉我说:“那个人是著名的电影明星。
- That man is a big wheel in the electronics industry. 那个人是电子工业钜子。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- That man is a total phony, he palmed himself off as a Ph.d. 那家伙是个彻彻底底的冒牌货,他冒称是个博士。
- That man is a total phony,he palmed himself off as a Ph.d. 那家伙是个彻彻底底的冒牌货,他冒称是个博士。
- That man is young, but he is a top dog in his company. 那个人虽然年轻,在公司却位居要职。
- Is it not a reproach that man is a carnivorous animal? 说人是一种食肉动物,不是一种责备吗?
- It is said / They say that he is a miser. 据说他是个小气鬼。
- I think that man is just hanging out for a better offer. 我想那人拖延时间只是为了等人家出更高的价钱。