- That chap is a hypocrite. 这个人很虚伪。
- That chap is just a self-seeker. 那个人才奸哪。
- That chap is as pride as a peacock. 那小伙子极为自命不凡。
- I object that he is a hypocrite. 我反对说他是个伪君子。
- I object against him that he is a hypocrite. 我反对他,因为他是个伪君子。
- That chap is really difficult to deal with. 这个人真别扭。
- I had that "deja vu" is a hypocrite and idioms. 我曾认为“似曾相识”是一个虚伪的成语。
- That chap is much too slippery (or tricky). 这个人油极了。
- According to thinking he is a hypocrite. 据认为他是一个伪君子。
- That chap is really difficult to deal with (or is really contrary). 这个人真别扭。
- According to knowing he is a hypocrite. 据知他是一个伪君子。
- This chap is a quite worldly-wise. 这个人很世故。
- The chap is a self-glorification. 那小伙子极为自命不凡。
- Do you think she is a hypocrite? 你认为她是一个伪君子吗?
- The chap is a quite worldly-wise. 这个人很世故。
- This chap is a good-for-nothing. 这个人真没出息。
- The poor chap is a bundle of nerve at the interview. 这小子在面试时紧张极了。
- Do you also think he is a hypocritical person? 你也认为他是一个虚伪的人吗?
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- That chap was a blot on the landscape. 那家伙真丢脸。