- That boy is really freeness. 那个小男孩很任性。
- That boy is really a little case. 那个男孩真是个小怪人。
- That boy is about ten years old. 那个男孩大约有十岁。
- This naughty boy is really troublesome. 这个淘气的男孩子真是惹人烦。
- That boy is the picture of health. 那男孩非常健康。
- That boy is quick on the uptake. 那男孩理解能力很强。
- That boy is quick in the uptake. 那男孩理解能力很强。
- That boy is the spit of his father. 那个男孩和他父亲长得一模一样。
- Oh, I think that boy is really cute, but I can't get up the nerve to go talk to him. I'm too embarrassed. 哦,我觉得那个男孩非常可爱,但我却不敢和他说话。我太不好意思了。
- That boy is really idle. 那男孩真懒。
- That boy is always the odd man out when the children are divided into teams. 孩子分组时,那男孩总是单个儿。
- That boy is the spit and image of his father. 那男孩长得跟他父亲一模一样。
- A result, doctors stunned, the boy is really alive. 结果令医生惊诧不已,男孩真的活了下来。
- What an age that boy is,getting ready! 那个男孩竟花了那么长的时间准备啊!
- That Boy is every inch a true cowboy. 那男孩是个十足的牛仔。
- That boy is no better than a beggar. “那个男孩比乞丐好不到那儿去。
- That boy is going to go places someday. 那个少年总有一天会获得成功的。
- That Boy is listening to the radio day and night. 那男孩整天听收音机。
- What an age that boy is, getting ready! 那个男孩竟花了那么长的时间准备啊!
- That boy is bull of the Old Nick. 那孩子总是调皮捣蛋。