- Mm. this new year 's food looks delicious . 哦,这年夜饭令人垂涎欲滴。
- Mm. this new year 's food looks delicious. 我要买条最新鲜的鱼,作为年夜饭的一道菜。
- KFC Corp(China) say that this goes along with China’s food safety standards. 肯德基(中国)公司声称这符合中国的食品安全标准。
- Some 77 per cent of the WFP's food purchases are made in developing countries. 在世界粮食计划署购买的粮食中,大约有77%25产自发展中国家。
- Half of the world’ s food comes from only three plants: rice, corn and wheat. 世界上一半的食物仅来自三种植物: 水稻; 玉米和小麦.
- Her favourite tricks included grabbing other people’s food from their plates and hurling fragile objects to the floor. 她惯用的手段包括抓别人盘里的食物以及将易碎的东西猛扔在地。
- World leaders are gathered in Rome at the headquarters of the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization. 世界粮食安全高峰会星期二在意大利首都罗马的联合国粮农组织总部开幕。
- I think she has nothing speical that LZ can eat. And that is also the reason why she always eats LZ's food and drink. 我一直都有一个梦想:幻想自己是地主家的少爷,家有良田千顷,终日不学无术,没事领着一群狗奴才上街去调戏一下良家妇女
- Finally he accepted a shepherdess’s food offering and cleaned his filthy body in the river. 由此,伟大的佛陀诞生了。佛教从那时起而流传至今,度化了无数苦难众生。
- The FEHD's Food and Public Health Branch is tasked to ensure that food available for human consumption is safe and properly labelled. 食物环境卫生署辖下的食物及公共卫生部负责确保供市民食用的食物安全,而且附有适当的标签。
- Requests are being made for international aid, which is the only way to limit the crisis, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization warned. 非洲国家现已向国际社会求助。联合国粮农组织警告说,只有国际社会施以援手,才能抑制灾情。
- In March, the invading Mongol army, while attacking Zhongdu, plundered the Jin s food supply and reinforcement, forcing the city to starve. 三月,围中都蒙古军击溃金援军,尽获所运粮饷,使中都陷于粮尽援绝的困境。
- S food supply.On Wednesday, news reports stated that Obama would nominate former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack as agriculture secretary. 星期三,新闻报道说,奥巴马将提名前艾奥瓦州州长汤姆威尔塞克农业秘书。
- My friend took a trip to Thailand. 我的朋友去泰国旅行了一次。
- The FAO's food summit in Rome is the first global response to a 71 per cent increase in food prices during the past two years. 过去两年,粮食价格累计涨幅达到71%25。在罗马召开的联合国粮农组织粮食峰会,是首次从全球层面对此问题作出回应。
- Up to 75% of the world's fish stocks are fully exploited, over exploited or depleted according to the UN's Food and Agriculture organisation. 根据联合国粮食和农业组织的报告,高达75%25的世界鱼类资源已充分开发利用、过度开发或者已枯竭。
- Thailand is on the west of Laos. 泰国在老挝的西面。
- Britain\'s Food and Mood Project recommends eating chicken, sardines, turkey, salmon, fresh tuna, nuts and seeds to boost serotonin levels. 英国食品与情绪项目,推荐食用鸡肉,罐头沙丁鱼,火鸡,鲑鱼,新鲜的金枪鱼,坚果和种子都能提高血清素水平。
- A native or inhabitant of Thailand. 泰国人泰国的国民或居民
- In the first place, the single sample of the author's experience is insufficiently to draw any general conclusion about the quality of the whole DT's food. 第一, 3个人不说明问题,可能他们工资就低,没钱,所以觉得贵,但是大多数人都能接受;