- Teyou 233 特优233
- In 1975, the floods in that area made 233,000 people homeless. 一九七五年该地区的洪水使得二十三万三千人无家可归。
- AF Flight 233 departs at 7:30 p. m. 法航233班机下午七点30分出港。
- A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17,233. 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17,233。
- Han Fej (a.k.280--233) origine estis aristokrato de Han-regno. (韩非(公元前280--233)原是韩国的贵族。
- Augusta is the capital and Portland the largest city.Population, 1,233,223. 奥古斯塔为其首府,波特兰是其最大城市。
- At the end of December, there were 872 issues with a total value of $233 billion lodged with the CMU. 截至一九九九年十二月底,经由这个系统托管和结算的债务工具共872宗,总值达2,330亿元。
- At the end of December,there were 872 issues with a total value of $233 billion lodged with the CMU. 截至12月底,经由这个系统托管和结算的债务总共872宗,总价值达2,330亿美元。
- During the year,the organisation handled 264 233 tonnes of vegetables valued at $812 million. 年内,经由统营处售出的蔬菜共有264233公吨,总值达8.;12亿元。
- A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population,17,233. 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17,233。
- About 233 200 sea-going and river-trade vessels arrived in Hong Kong during the year. 年内抵港的远洋船和内河船约共233200航次。
- A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17, 233. 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17,233
- During the year, the organisation handled 264 233 tonnes of vegetables valued at $812 million. 年内,经由统营处售出的蔬菜共有264233公吨,总值达8.;12亿元。
- The number of females who reported that they had eaten five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day was 233. 平均每日进食五份或以上蔬果的女性人数是233。
- This ancient Yellow Crane Tower was built in 233 A.C. More than one thousand years ago. 这个古老的黄鹤楼建于公元233年,距今一千多年历史。
- Abstract: Teyou 136 is a new strong thermosensitive type hybrid combination with medium maturity, which was bred through a crossbreeding between Longtefu A as female parent and R136 as male parent. 文章摘要: 特优136是以龙特甫A为母本.R136为父本配组育成的强优势感温型中熟组合.具有株型集散适中、穗粒结构协调性好、熟期适宜、米质优、抗逆性强等优点。
- Primary numbers of the Fibonacci on the number 1 carried to 13 places are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233. 最初的斐波纳契数列由1运作到13的序列如下:1;1;2;3;58;13;21;34;55;89;144;233.;。
- Rosberg SA; Spiess P. A new approach to the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes [J]. Sci, 1986,233 (4770) :1318. 蒋锋;周性明等.;可移植小鼠膀胱移行细胞癌模型的建立[J]
- As many as 52 varieties of litchi, with the exception of Zengcheng Gualv, such as a crystal ball Teyou varieties, improved varieties have Guiwei, Nuo Mici, Feizixiao, horns-and snow-with more than 10. 荔枝品种多达52个,除增城挂绿、水晶球等特优品种外,优良品种还有桂味、糯米糍、妃子笑、犀角子、雪怀子等10多个。
- A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population,17, 233. 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17,233