- Textual research into history 考证史学
- In this paper, the author, in line with making full use of the historical records, makes a textual research into the printing academies' history and its crafts of the famous Tibetan Buddhist temples. 摘要本文借助于史籍,对我国著名藏传佛教寺院印书院的历史及其工艺作了简要考述。
- Niudaer is the soul of the Tu nationality clothing. This paper discloses the connotation of its historical culture thruge the textual research into the Niudaer of the Tus. 摘要土族扭达儿是土族服饰的灵魂。文章通过对扭达儿的考述,揭示其潜在的历史文化内涵。
- Though it was an abridged edition,due to altitudmal art characteristic, it actually determined the main trend of development of the Textual Research into A Journey to the West in the Qing dynasty. 它虽是一部节本,但由于其高度的艺术独特性,居然实际上决定了清代《西游记》文本发展的主潮流。
- A New Textual Research into Dragon Horn 龙角新证
- A Textual Research into Xiping Pavilion 西平亭考辨
- Textual Research into Sun Simiao's Life Time 孙思邈生卒考辨
- People researching into history can't do it without the help of ancient documents. 研究历史的人自然离不开古文献的帮助。
- Noda think that research into the history of science must have two conditions: first, careful textual research; 能田认为科学史的研究必须具备两个条件:第一是周密的文献考证;
- A New Textual Research into "Disconnection of Heaven from Earth" “绝地天通”新考
- A Textual Research into Huiri Festival in the First Lunar Month 正月晦日节考
- A Textual Research into Life of King of Northern Liang-Duan Ye 北凉王段业事迹考述
- The Textual Research into the Nether World Marriage in Tang Dynasty 唐代冥婚略考
- Textual Research into Tao Zongyi's Family Social Standing 陶宗仪家世考略
- Textual Research into the Punctuation Marks Used in the Han Dynasty 汉代标点符号考略
- Keywords osteology;textual research;research into the documents; 关键词骨学;中医考证;文献研究;
- The heroic event has passed into history. 这一英雄事件已载入史册。
- He is making a textual research on this problem. 他在对这个问题进行考证。
- But the Third Reich had passed into history. 但是第三帝国却成为历史。
- This event has passed into history. 这件事已成为历史。