- Textual Research of Herbs 本草考证
- Methods Use the textual researches of mathematical literatures. 方法运用文献考证方法。
- Textual research of scholors has found that there are 2000 exegetical commentaries written on the Daodejing . 有学者考证,历代文献所著录的注本约有2000种。
- This paper deals mainly with the textual research of Phoenix tree. Legend of Phoenix Tree,its planting history and cultural meaning are discussed. 本文主要论述了梧桐的名实考证,梧桐的传说及其文化含义,历史上利用梧桐栽培的历史。
- This article unscrambled the concept of pathogenesis theory,through textual research of literatures,directly explained the concept connotation. 对病机概念进行解读,通过文献考证,直解其概念内涵;
- This essay focuses on four writers in modern literary circle in Yunnan. Some little known( historical) data and the textual research of them are introduced in the essay. 本文谈及云南现代文学的四个作家。冯至和李广田均写过桉树礼赞类颇具特色的诗。关于《铁轮》和《未完的争斗》,介绍了不大为人所知的史料并加以若干考证。
- Its principle is like is the bases in infantile oil it is mineral oil, it is to be able to dissolve of grease, correct, I also textual research of have no way. 其原理好像是婴儿油里的主要成分是矿物油,它是能够溶解油脂的,正确与否,我也无从考证。
- Comprehensive Textual Research of Historical Documents by Ma Duan-lin is a very famous book about the theory of bibliography which reflects compiling methods of the style of compilation. 马端临的《文献通考.;经籍考》是一部目录学著作;书中体现了辑录体的编撰方法。
- In the past 250 yeas , many scholars(at least fifty)in history, numismatics and lexicology quoted an item of flimsy historical material recorded in Ma's Wen Xian Tong Kao(A Textual Research of Documents),a kind of important literature of history. 在过去的250年里,许多历史学、钱币学、辞书家领域的学者(至少有50位)援引了史学要籍马氏《文献通考》中的所载一则不可靠的史料。
- I have collected a lot of herbs good for TB. 我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。
- This article started with a textual research of the amount of war horse in Qing dynasty, and main discussed the historical changes from three angles, just as establishment for cavalry troop, livestock farm management, and the horse administration. 本文从清代战马数量考释入手,探讨了清朝经制军队的马队建制、牧场建设及清代马政在嘉道以降的废弛情况。
- The medical uses of herbs are legion. 草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。
- According to the textual research of such scholars as Qigong, "lijia" means the person who is laic, non-professional and unskillful.Thereby, "lijiahua" can be regarded as this kind of painting. 按照启功等前辈的考证,“戾家”意指外行的、无师承的、非专门的、不精通的人,“戾家画”可指为脱略常法、无师承、有违绘画法则的画作,是一种业余水平的绘画;
- It's exactly the aroma of herbs. 没错儿,就是药香。
- Based on the genetical analysis and textual research of the blood proteinpolymorphisms ,it is concluded that the South Asian ponies are closely related to thesouthwestern horses in China. 通过血液蛋白质多态型的遗传学分析和历史学的考证,认为南亚小型马与中国西南马有着近缘关系。
- I have collected a lot of herbs good for T. 我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。
- I have collected a lot of herbs good for T. B. 我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。
- He is making a textual research on this problem. 他在对这个问题进行考证。
- She gave the soup a quick scatter of herbs. 她把香料快速撒在汤上。
- Quoting from one of Herb's love letters? 你在念赫伯情书里的东西啊?