- Texas panicum 得克萨斯羽扇豆
- He is rated one of the rich men in Texas. 他被认为是德州最富有的人之一。
- If you hire a car in Texas, make sure it have air-conditioning. 如果你在得克萨斯租车,务必要租个带空调设备的车。
- If I owned texas and hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell. 如果得克萨斯州与地狱是我的,我会把得克萨斯州租出去而住进地狱里。
- Seed dormancy of Panicum mazimum CV. Reyan no. 坚尼草种子休眠期的研究。
- He always put the interests of Texas above his own. 他总是把整个州的利益放在自己利益之上。
- He is justly called the Father of Texas. 他被誉为得克萨斯之父是当之无愧的。
- It's a long haul from Maine to Texas. 从缅因州到得克萨斯州路很远。
- Yes. He was born in Texas in nineteen fifty-two. 知道。他1952 年出生在德克萨斯州。
- NOT much about Texas is becoming or demure. 得克萨斯州根本就没有什么东西可以配的上“优雅”,“得体”这两个词,海岸附近泥泞不堪,瘴气缭绕。
- I was just a hick from Texas then. 那时我不过是从得克萨斯来的土包子。
- Title: Apomixis in Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq. 关键词:大黍;无融合生殖;胚胎学;遗传学
- I'm going to try to get to Texas and lay low there. 我如今得设法赶到得克萨斯去,在那里藏起来。
- Both polygonum type and panicum type embryo sac have embellum. 有性生殖和无孢子生殖的胚囊中均有胚珠附器存在;
- My trip to Texas was a revelation. 我这次去得克萨斯真是大开眼界。
- Study on the leaf epidermis of Panicum L. from China. 国产黍属叶片表皮细胞结构的研究.
- Tom' s father was a farmer in Texas. 汤姆的父亲是得克萨斯州的一个农场主。
- Texas plumed itself upon its 330, 000 natives. 得克萨斯沾沾自喜地炫耀自己的33万人口。
- In those days Texas was a part of Mexico. 当时,德州仍是墨西哥的一部份。
- Anyone for the Great Wall of Texas? 任何长城德克萨斯?