- Tete bunyavirus 特特本扬病毒
- Tete a fun game motorcycle skills. 一款好玩的特特技摩托车游戏。
- This undated handout image shows Picasso's "Tete de cheval". 本月6日,两幅毕加索名画在瑞士另一博物馆被盗,至今下落不明。
- The nurses are treating me well at [+]Bolnica tete Virginie . 成功地进行了休息,但不是在最佳的场所。
- A whole day's tete-a tete between two women can never end without a quarrel. 两个女人成天在一块儿谈心,到头来没有不吵架的。
- I was released from [+]Bolnica tete Virginie and I'm feeling much better. 无所事事并不在我的计划之中,这只不过是在浪费时间。
- The Office is currently planning to set up a hotel complex in the city of Tete. 赞发办正计划在太特省建设一个旅馆区。
- "This will happen every year, and Tete may also come along when he is old enough for it. “以后每年都会这样,当蒂特长大后我也会带他一起旅行的。”
- You have been also very shocking , I have had your Tete birthday to readjust ... 特..生日快乐...要幸福..健康喔...我们也会守护着13只.守护着天使....特.
- Young Tete eventually succumbed to[x]) mental illness and was confined to an asylum[xi]) near Zurich for the rest of his life. 小儿子蒂特最终出现了精神问题,被送进了苏黎世附近的精神病院,并在那里度过了余生。
- I know a boy named Tate who dined with his girl at eight eight,I am unable to state what Tate ate eight eight or what Tate's tete a-tete ate at eight eight. 我知道一个叫泰德男孩,他和他的女朋友在八点八分吃饭,我说不出泰德八点八分吃的是什么东西,或泰德的女朋友八点八分吃的是什么东西。
- Hebei TETE's edgeboard is made environmental friendly by using strong paperboard, laminated with water soluable glue which results easy, successful recyling. 护角板是用环境无害的硬纸板。该板是用溶水的胶粘合成的层压板,使其很容易回收再循环。
- La tete me tourne. 我头晕了。
- Levez un peu la tete. 头抬起一点。
- Nairobi sheep disease bunyavirus 内罗毕绵羊病本扬病毒
- Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever group bunyavirus 克里米亚-刚果出血热群本扬病毒
- California encephalitis bunyavirus 加利福尼亚脑炎本扬病毒
- ‘?En petite tete git grand sens.?*? ?*?咳嗽厉害,说话声音轻,请谅解!
- oh plus ds ma tete ca.Et alors?!Oh!cest bon la? jai dit que javais tout oublie! 遇上一个地狱来的使者,原本美丽灿烂的生活,也会成为人间炼狱。。