- The test pilots put the new planes through their paces. 试验飞行员表演新型飞机的性能。
- A test pilot needs plenty of nerve. 飞行试飞员需要极大的勇气。
- Right after Rick graduated from test pilot school, I miscarried. 里克刚从试飞员学校毕业,我就流产了。
- Air Force/ British Royal Air Force test pilot exchange program in 1992. 那年6月,我们搬到了英国乡下。
- Admiral Denton has also served as a flight instructor and naval test pilot. 登顿将军也曾担任过飞行讲师和海军试飞员。
- In the final analysis they are based on the opinions of research test pilots, substantiated by careful instrumentation. 归根结蒂,这些是根据研究试飞员的意见提出来的,而由精细的测试设备来加以验证。
- GIN Factory Test Pilots wanted a wing with nice dynamic handling, good for fun and tricks, smooth and light, precise in the turn, thermal biting. 试飞员们的目标是设计出一款拥有出色的空气动力学性能,轻便,平稳,转向精确,良好的气流攀升性能的双人伞!
- In the US Air Force, developmental test pilots tend to be graduates of USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB, California. 在美国空军,研究试飞的飞行员大都毕业于加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的美国空军试飞员学校。
- Operational test pilots tend to be experienced weapon instructors, graduates of USAF Weapons School at Nellis AFB, Nevada. 战斗试飞员大多是经验丰富的武器教官,来自内华达州内尔尼斯空军基地的美国空军武器学校。
- "Seeing those two really inspired me," Ms.Rogers said of the test pilot and Dr. Shirley. “见到她们两位确实使我受到鼓舞。”在谈到那位女试飞员和薛莉博士时罗杰斯这样说。
- Finally, why isn’t there a statue to Vivier and the unknown stiletto test pilot? 最后,为什么没有微微恩和那位试穿高跟鞋的无名女性的塑像呢?
- In nineteen forty-seven, Alan Shepard became a pilot in the Navy.Later he became a test pilot. 在1947年,艾伦.;谢泼德成为了一名海军飞行员,后来,他又当上了一名试飞员。
- Though I may not be the most current test pilot, either operational or developmental, I am a known quantity to both communities. 尽管我可能不是最前沿的试飞员,也不是最前沿的作战人员和研发人员,但我了解这两个圈子里的大量事情。
- In Lubbock today they're thinking back to the Eagle Scout who became a distinguished Naval officer and a fearless test pilot. 今天在路伯克人们都还在回忆着威利如何从一个获得雄鹰奖章的童子军成长为一名杰出的海军军官和无畏的试飞员。
- Following flight training, Rodewald was assigned to the Army Air Force's combat development center at Eglin Field, Florida as a test pilot. 在结束飞行训练之后,罗德沃尔德被分配到位于佛罗里达埃格林基地的陆军航空兵战斗发展中心当试飞员。
- Test pilot Bill Bedford made the first, tethered VTOL flight in the XP831 on 21 October 1960 at Hawker's flight test airfield at Dunsfold, Surrey. 1957年,英国的布里斯托航空发动机公司采纳了韦伯的新奇构想,研制“飞马”喷气发动机,于1959年试验成功。
- Former Commander-in-Chief USAF Pacific: The General is a highly regarded military aviator who has served as both a test pilot and fighter pilot. 前美国空军太平洋战区总司令:亚当斯将军是一名非常受尊敬的军事飞行员,他曾是试飞员和战斗飞行员。
- "It would not be fit to live in for a true German," she told Hanna Reitsch, the famed German woman test pilot, in the shelter just before the end. “那样的德国是不宜于一个真正的德国人生活下去的,”她临死前在地下室里对著名的德国女试飞驾驶员汉娜 - 莱契这样说。
- She became an Air Force flier after graduating from the Syracuse ROTC program, and she steadily rose to join the male-dominated ranks of the Air Force Test Pilot School in 1989. 从锡拉丘兹大学预备军官训练团项目毕业后,她成了空军的一名飞行员,然后稳步上升,1989年跻身于男性垄断的空军试飞学校。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。