- Tens ascend to hundreds. 十位数上升到百位数。
- His ancestors ascend to the 15th century. 他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。
- Our inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity. 我们的研究可追溯到远古。
- Our inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity . 我们的研究可追溯到远古。
- Don't ascend to the parent directory. 不追溯至父级。
- He was destined to ascend to the throne. 他命中注定要登上王位。
- The photolithographic tools that will be used to make chips with features well below 100 nanometers will each cost tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. 要在晶片上做出小于100奈米的图案细节,所需的光蚀刻工具每件要花上几千万到几亿美元。
- Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered almost nightly in downtown Seoul, blocking major traffic arteries and leading to hundreds of arrests. 成千上万的示威者几乎每一个夜晚都聚集在首尔市中心,堵塞主要交通要道,并导致数百人被捕。
- Pyroxenite or anortlesite partings a fraction of an inch to 2 feet in thickness and tens of feet to hundreds of feet in length are also present in many seams. 在许多矿层中还见到辉岩或斜长岩夹层,厚几分至2尺,长几十到几百尺。
- The car speeded up to hundred kilometers per hour. 汽车加速到每小时100千米。
- Ice ice:I want to let to pull to ascend to be my gun target, let me practice marksmanship, until a hundred shots gun gun ten wreaths for rest. 冰冰:我要让拉登当我的枪靶子,让我练枪法,直到百发百中枪枪十环为休。
- Epidemiologists have warned that the next pandemic could sicken one in every three people on the planet, hospitalize many of those and kill tens to hundreds of millions. 流行病学家警告,下一次的全球流感可能使全世界每三人中就有一人罹病,其中有许多患者的病情将严重到需要住院,死亡人数从数十人到数亿人都有可能。
- He ascended to the peak of sporting achievement. 他达到了运动成就的顶峰。
- This imposes an upper limit on the number of advisory locks grantable by the server, typically in the tens to hundreds of thousands depending on how the server is configured. 这样就意味着服务器可以赋予的劝告性锁是有上限的,通常是几万到十几万个,具体数目取决于服务器的具体配置。
- What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎么样呢?
- Stems often ascending to decumbent. 对外倾上升的茎通常。
- Human life can reach in average tens of to hundreds of one-hundred millions years, their behavior is guided with digital signal, therefore can do many very meticulous matters. 人类寿命平均可以达几十至几百亿年,它们的行为以数字信号引导,因此可以做很多非常精细的事。
- She ascended to the throne after the king's death. 国王死后,她继承了王位。
- Nor have we lost the ability to ascend to as great a degree. 我们提升能力的丢失也没有到这样大的程度。
- Storms have caused structural damage to hundreds of homes. 几场暴风雨毁了成百上千所住宅,连结构都破坏了。