- Teng Dachun 滕大春
- Teresa Teng is one of her idols. 邓丽君是她的偶像之一。
- Are they Bao Teng of Yan Tai, Leng Yan Ju master? 冷艳锯前辈发的就是烟台的宝腾吗?
- So said Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping. 这是邓小平同志讲的。
- Beijing Hua Teng Jia He Plastic Extruder Ltd. 北京华腾佳和塑胶挤出机有限公司。
- Shanghai Hua Teng Software Systems Co., Ltd. 上海华腾软件系统有限公司。
- You can learn much from Professor Teng . 从邓教授可以学习很多知识。
- I also wish to vote Li Teng but i'm Malaysian too. Same as demend. 李腾是最好的!
- Try out its exclusive specialties, the Fei Teng fish and spicy yellow catfish. 也正是因为如此虽然外面相似的沸腾鱼很多但却都无法得其要领。
- Dachun graduated from the Central Art Academe, but his paintings have not been restricted to oilpainting materials. 大纯是从中央美院没画系四画室中走出的画家,但他的绘画并未拘于没画材料。
- He served as a county magistrate in the Teng County of Shandong Province. 他曾经作过山东滕州知县。
- Lu Xinzheng, Ye Lieping, Teng Jinguang, Zhuang Jiangbo, Jiang Jianjing. 陆新征;叶列平;滕锦光;庄江波;江见鲸.
- He also has girlfriends like Teresa Teng,Brigitte Lin and Catherina Yim. 他也有邓丽君,林青霞和米雪这样的女朋友。
- Dachun chooses drawing back instead of expanding .He crosses his own wall invisibly like a magician and comes to a place unknown to him. 那是一种几乎放弃的态度,茶叶水、墨迹、铅笔轻轻地擦过,还有似是而非的形象,其灵感和才智变得单纯、简洁,一种梦游人心恍惚的未定语气。
- These images give a sense of wonder, and wonder just happens to be the emotional effect of surrealism, so we would be justified in calling Ji Dachun a surrealist. 这些形象是惊异的,而惊异正好是超现实主义的情感效果,因此我们有理由说季大纯是一个超现实主义者。
- They were Zhang Rupo and Rao Dachun, who came from Hardware Lab of Technology Center of Microsoft China, Li Jing and Li Bei, who came from MII-MS flush type software Lab of CSIP. 他们分别是来自微软中国技术中心硬件创新实验室张汝颇、饶大春工程师,来自信息产业部软件与集成电路促进中心MII-MS嵌入式软件实验室李静工程师和李贝项目经理。
- The three sang more than 30 songs in their tribute to Teng at the ballroom at JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur. 三人在吉隆坡万豪酒店的舞厅唱了超过30首歌送予邓丽君。
- It was Teng Hung-Chi of Nantou, Taiwan, who was only 19 when he created the original sensor urinal! 原来这是台湾南投人邓鸿吉的杰作;当他发明第一座感应冲水男用小便斗时,只有十九岁而已呢!
- She has claimed that she never met Teng and urged the Hunan judiciary to rectify the case and declare his trial a miscarriage of justice. 她已宣称自己从未见过滕兴善,并吁请湖南司法当局平反本案,并宣布滕的审判是一桩误审。