- Tending or used to initiate. 启蒙的,开始的倾向开始的或用来开始的
- Something contrived or used to meet an urgent need. 权宜之计;应急的手段
- Of, relating to, or used to create a vacuum. 真空的,与真空有关的,用来制造真空的
- Tending or having the power to evoke. 唤起 ... 的,引起 ... 的有能力唤起的
- A control which may be used to initiate a command in an application or to toggle an application state. 一个可以在应用程序中触发一个命令或确定应用程序状态的控件。
- Used to initialize a default set of values for the. 对象的默认值集。
- Of or used to produce exact reproductions, as of documents. 生产摹本的生产摹本的,用于生产摹本的,如文件的
- This function is used to tell the LMS to initiate the communication session. 此函数用来通知LMS初始化通讯会话。
- Tending or liable to vary; variable. 易变的倾向于或容易变化的;变化的
- The protocol may be used to initiate sessions, invite members to sessions advertised by other means or initiate multiparty calls using a multipoint control unit. 该协议可以用于开始会话、邀请成员参加由其他方式做广告的会话,或者利用多点控制器开始多方通话。
- The fruit of this plant,eaten fresh or used to make jams and juices. 阳桃该乔木结的果实,可生吃,或用于制果酱和果汁
- This ready-to-eat fruit can be offered as a present or used to make a cake. 这是可以食用的果实,可以当作礼物或用来做蛋糕。
- Used to ask what purpose or use something has. What's this gadget for? 用来问用途
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or used to make jams and juices. 阳桃该乔木结的果实,可生吃,或用于制果酱和果汁
- The fruit can also be juiced or used to make delicious sorbets or milkshakes. 水果也可以鸡肋或用来制造美味或水果奶昔.
- Gabala could be upgraded, or used to supplement other early-warning data. 加巴拉雷达站应该升级改造,或只能作为其他早期预警系统的补充手段。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- How unilateral the said-to-be freedom we are pursuing or used to pursue is! 这样说来多少人追求或曾经追求的所谓自由是何等的片面。
- The flesh is eaten on its own or used to thin and sweeten fruit smoothies. 果肉可以单吃,或是用来稀释水果冻饮的浓稠度并增加其甜味。
- Specify the backup file to be used to initialize the destinations. 指定将用于初始化目的的备份文件。