- Moshe Hod, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Tel Aviv University. 研究者之一、特拉维夫大学的妇产科教授MosheHod说。
- Dafna Lemish of Tel Aviv University has described babies at six to eight weeks attending to television. 特拉维夫大学的莱米许曾经描述,出生六至八周的小婴儿会去注意电视画面。
- GIL AST is a senior lecturer in the department of human genetics and molecular medicine at the Tel Aviv University Medical School in Israel. 阿斯特是以色列特拉维夫大学医学院人类遗传与分子医学系的资深教授。
- Leor is a cardiologist at Sheba Medical Center and director of the Tel Aviv University Neufield Cardiac Research Institute. 雷欧是以色列席巴医学中心的心脏学家,并兼任特拉维夫大学纽菲德心脏研究所所长。
- To investigate that question, Lee Koren and Eli Geffen of Tel Aviv University decided to take a close look at the rock hyraxes of the Judean desert. 为了研究这个问题,特拉维夫大学的李柯仁和艾力吉芬决定对犹太沙漠中的岩狸进行细致的观察。
- Joshua Teitelbaum of the Moshe Dayan Center and a professor at Tel Aviv University says the polling data will likely change by Election Day. 不过,特拉维夫大学达扬中心的教授泰特尔鲍姆说,民意调查在选举日时很有可能会改变。
- Abbas welcomed news of the Israel-Syria talks, but Shlomo Gazit of Tel Aviv University says any agreement with Syria will complicate a possible settlement with the Palestinians. 但是特拉维夫大学的加齐特说,以色列和叙利亚达成的任何协议都将使以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的协议更加复杂化。
- The original "root-breaking" research was conducted at the Sarah Racine Root Research Laboratory at Tel Aviv University (TAU), the first and largest aeroponics lab in the world. 最初的“破根”研究在TAU的SarahRacine根研究实验室进行,世界上首个也是最大的空气种植法实验室。
- Joshua Teitelbaum, a senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University, says Lieberman's departure solidifies right-wing opposition to peace talks with the Palestinians. 特拉维夫大学的高级研究员泰特尔鲍姆说,利伯曼的退出强化了反对和巴勒斯坦谈判的右翼力量。
- Retired Israeli General Shlomo Gazit of Tel Aviv University says getting an agreement with the Syrians might not be that difficult, but getting the Israeli public to accept it will not be easy. 特拉维夫大学的以色列退役将军加齐特说,以色列和叙利亚达成协议也许并不难,但是要让以色列公众接受这项协议就不那么简单了。
- Directed By Maya Dreifuss Tel Aviv University 特拉维夫大学
- HKU Vice-Chancellor receives honorary degree at Tel Aviv University 港大校长获特拉维夫大学颁授荣誉学位
- I'm in Tel Aviv, and it's pretty safe here. 问:你现在在哪里?感觉安全吗?
- The Arab masses loved him for lobbing missiles at Tel Aviv. 阿拉伯大众曾因他向特拉维夫发射导弹而尊崇他。
- Crying relatives also gathered Friday at the Tel Aviv airport. 当天还有恸哭的亲属聚集在特拉维夫机场。
- Tel Aviv Universityn. 特拉维夫大学
- She talked to the Tel Aviv bus company and they jumped on the idea. 她向特拉维夫公车公司商谈,他们立刻赞成这个主意。
- A few weeks later, his body was washed ashore in Tel Aviv. 几个星期后,他的尸体在特拉维夫被冲上了岸。
- The second place is the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv. 屈居次席的是以色列首都特拉维夫。
- The NMCC helpfully told him we were somewhere between Moscow and Tel Aviv. 全国军事指挥中心笼统地告诉他我们在莫斯科至特拉维夫之间的某处。