- Whenever I heard Dad say it, tears welled in my eyes. 每逢听见爹说这句话时,我总是热泪盈眶。
- Whenever I heard Dad said it, tears welled in my eyes. 每逢听见爹说这句话时,我总是热泪盈眶。
- Tears welled in my eyes. 热泪涌上我的眼眶
- I felt tears well up in my eyes. 我感到眼泪涌出我的双眼。
- I held the tissue in my hands as tears welled up in my eyes. 我握著那张面纸,眼泪不禁夺眶而出。
- Tears welled up in my eyes,and a heart that had almost forgotten how to love opened wide. 泪水盈满了我的双眼。一颗几乎已经忘记如何去爱的心开始敞开。
- Tears welled up in my eyes, and a heart that had almost forgotten how to love opened wide. 泪水盈满了我的双眼。一颗几乎已经忘记如何去爱的心开始敞开。
- Beneath it was a hand-drawn heart, colored with crayon. Tears welled up in my eyes and immediately I gave it a special place on my dresser. 下面画了一个心,用蜡笔涂了色。我眼里涌出了泪水,我立即把它放在衣柜里一个特殊的地方。
- Already sweat is starting on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes. 汗水已经布满我的前额,泪水在我眼中打转。
- Alreadysweat is starting on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes. 不知不觉,汗水挂上了我的前额,泪水溢满了我的眼眶。
- I folded the book with tears welling up in my eyes and there is no need for me to figure out who is the character left words for this old book. 我合上书,泪水如泉般涌出。而我也不必再去猜这本旧书留言的主人公是谁了。
- Is the twitch in my eyes noticeable? 我的眼跳是否明显?
- To tell you the truth,I had tears in my eyes. 说实话,我当时也是泪盈盈的。
- Because of the strong support by SZ government and enterprises like IKEA, Wal-Mart, B&Q, the infrastructure and management of the center is pretty well in my eye. 因为有深圳雄厚财力的支持,加上很多大企业如宜家、沃尔玛、百安居等的捐赠,这里的软硬件条件都不错,比起我之前去过的银湖救助站好多了。
- Tears in my eyes I'm a man look in for the light. 泪盈满眶,我向往光明。
- To tell you the truth, I had tears in my eyes. 说实话,我当时也是泪盈盈的。
- Lend you50 dollars! Do you see any green in my eye? 借50美元给你!你以为我就这么容易上当吗?
- At the sound of my son, heavy tears welled at the corners of my eyes. 聆听着儿子的歌声,大颗大颗的泪珠从我眼角涌了出来。
- I've got a speck of dust in my eye. 我眼睛里弄进了一粒灰尘。
- Well in my opinion you have no choice. 在我看来你没有其他选择。