- Where legal databases match addresses with unlisted telephone numbers, and illegal ones do a brisk trade in bank, stock, and tax information. 通过合法的数据库可以找到地址和未入册的电话号码,而通过不合法的数据库则可以找到银行的即时交易,股票和税收信息。
- With his TIN and password, a taxpayer can also enquire about his personal tax information through the enquiry services under the ESD scheme. 市民亦可利用电话税务通同一税务编号和通行密码,使用公共服务电子化计划下的个人税务查询服务。
- Only two countries, Guatemala and Nauru, have no legal system for the exchange of tax information, although they are working on it. 仅有两个国家,危地马拉和瑙鲁没有合法的税收情报交换体系(尽管事实上该体系运作良好)。
- It is a historic task for the workers to guide and promote our reform of tax collection and practice and to realize tax information with the method of organizational theor... 在税收管理信息化的过程中,学习型组织理论以其对税收文化的适应性,将对加速税收信息化的进程发挥巨大的作用。
- Where any tax information is packed and sealed, the envelop thereof shall bear the seal of classification of confidentiality, the serial number as well as the names of the addressor and addressee. 包装密封税收情报,应在封套上加盖密级章、标明编号和收发单位名称等内容。
- Under a compromise, countries could either exchange tax information or deduct a withholding tax on the offshore accounts of EU members and remit it in bulk to the investors' home tax authorities. 在妥协之下,国与国之间既可以交换税收情报,也允许扣除欧盟成员国离岸账户的预扣税款,同时几乎免除了投资者注册地税务当局的税赋。
- "These tax information agreements are important instruments to counter the abuse of the financial system such as tax fraud, money laundering and the financing of terrorism,” Rosaria stated. 这些纳税信息协议是对付滥用和忽视财政制度行为(如骗税、洗黑钱、为恐怖行动筹集资金等)的有力“工具”。
- It promised unspecified sanctions would be taken against tax havens that did not agree to share tax information and said a blacklist of non-compliant jurisdictions would be issued soon. 公报承诺,将对那些不同意共享税务信息的避税天堂采取某些制裁措施,并表示即将公布一份不符合要求的此类国家和地区黑名单。
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- It will be a heavy tax on my energy/time. 这要耗费我许多精力/时间。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
- The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得税表格的申报。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。