- Many boys and girls tailed after the circus parade. 许多男孩子和女孩子跟在马戏团游行队伍的後面。
- South African pygmy gerbiln. 南非沙鼠
- He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. 他讨厌此时夹着尾巴退回来。
- Tassel-tailed pygmy gerbiln. 帚尾沙鼠
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- The dog wagged its tail excitedly. 那条狗兴奋地直摇尾巴。
- Pygmy gerbiln. 俾格米小沙鼠
- The dog wags its tail in expectation of a bone. 那条狗摇著尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。
- A cat with no tail is an anomaly. 没尾巴的猫是一只畸形猫。
- Somali pygmy gerbiln. 索马里沙鼠
- Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog? 利比亚这小国家能左右埃及这样的大国吗?
- Interest in the skate board tailed off. 人们对滑冰板的兴趣渐渐小了。
- Some boys tailed after the parade. 有些孩子尾随在游行队伍之后。
- The whale thrashed the water with its tail. 那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。
- The sting of a scorpion is in its tail. 蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。
- The cow's tail flicked from side to side. 牛尾巴轻轻地左右摇摆。
- Let's walk on the Daraja Plains, where leopards hang from trees, dosing,tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves. 让我们走在树精灵村落的附近,达瑞加平原;看那豹子悬挂树梢,尾巴在阴影中摇摆。
- The horse swished its tail (about). 那匹马刷刷地挥动尾巴。
- His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了(不作声了).
- Her voice tailed away into silence. 她的话音越来越小,终於哑然无声了。