- Taoist and Zen culture 禅文化
- In order to achieve this peace of mind, the teaching of detachment of Taoism and Zen proved to be valuable. 为了达到内心的安宁,道家与禅学中超然脱俗的教义被证明是颇有价值的。
- There are profound deconstructionism , pragmatism and secularism in Chinese traditional culture of Taoism 、 Confucianism and Zen. 传统道家、儒家和禅宗文化中蕴涵着深刻的解构精神、实用主义和世俗倾向,并与西方后现代思潮达成一致。
- To be more precise, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism coexist here. 准确地说呀,应该是佛教、道教、儒教三教并存。
- Taoism, Confucianism, Buddha from West Region and Zen had all been deeply influenced by Laozi. 孔子尊称老子为老师,传说拜见老子时送了一对鸭子作为礼物。
- There are a thousand and one links between the Taoism and the culture of China, particularly, Taoism influences greatly on the Yuan drama about Taoist deities. 道教与中国的文化之间存在着千丝万缕的关系,尤其对元代的神仙道化剧产生了巨大的影响。
- Many thoughts such as democratism, humanitarianism, Confucianism, Taoism and Christianity culture make the spirit of enlightenment present in Cao Yu"s dramas. 民主主义、人道主义思想、儒家哲学、道家哲学、基督教文化等各种思想资源使启蒙主义精神在曹禺剧作中得以呈现。
- The basic course of Tao is to practice yoga and Zen, and to sit in meditation. 而求道的门径,也应就是瑜伽练习,打坐及禅修了。
- Peng began the series with Buddhist, Taoist and Hindi religious scriptures. 刚开始在这系列作品时,彭使用佛教、道教及印度教经文。
- First,because of Taoism and Confucianism,their poems are non-religious. 一方面,儒教与道教的教义决定了她们宗教选择的世俗化倾向与现实生活的非宗教性特征;
- The combination of tea and Zen,deep meditation on tea, is a state of humanism, of art. 茶禅,乃是以茶参禅的一种人文境界,一种艺术境界。
- Confucianism, Taoism and Buddism relation, especaialy Xuanxue thought's influence in thought field is the society culture background that Six Dynasties hermit poems become popular. 摘要思想界的“儒、道、佛”融会,特别是“玄学’,思想的影响是六朝隐逸诗流行的社会文化背景。
- Because a yogi who industrially practice yoga, sitting in meditation and Zen, and finally bear the similar fruit. 因为,在他们勤练瑜伽、打坐、禅修以后,往往就会产生类似的效应。
- On basis of study in Minhe and Ledu, this paper put forwards this viewpoint: Local Taoism and folk-customs affect each other and finally forming a special culture phenomena in Hehung. 本文以青海东部河湟地区,尤其是以民和、乐都地区的道教与民俗调研资料为依据,提出了地方道教与民俗染濡并存,形成河湟地区特有文化现象的观点。
- Many meditation methods of Hinayana Buddhism and Zen School can be understood as methods of living in the real being. 南传佛教的正念禅、止观禅,禅宗的安住当下、默照禅、话头禅等禅法都可理解为安住于真实的存在的方法。
- D.T.Suzuki is the best-known Buddhist scholar and Zen master in the former half of the 20(superscript th) century. 摘要铃木大拙是20世纪上半叶时西方禅佛教发展影响最大的学者和禅师。
- Evidently the belief in immortality of the human soul is something which the Christian, Greek, Taoist and Confucianist views have in common. 相信人类灵魂的不朽显然是基督教徒、希腊人、道教和孔教观念上相同的地方。
- Waldo, Macao's first boutique hotel, offers you a wide range of ways to find both zest and zen during your stay. 华都,澳门的顶级精品酒店,提供了让您留恋于此的多种选择;
- Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither. 禅既不是道教,也不是佛教;它既是两者,又不是两者。
- The present paper, from the aspects of Confucianism and Zen, probes into the psychoanalysis of his recluse. 本文试从儒家思想和佛教禅宗这两方面入手来探讨王维隐逸的心路历程。