- Tangled problen of hybrid rice 杂交水稻混杂问题的研究
- Progress of study on molecular identification of hybrid rice variety. 杂交水稻品种纯度鉴定研究进展。
- The weight and shape of grains of hybrid rice F_1 was much influe ced by the sterite lines and restorring lines. 不育系,恢复系对杂交水稻子一代(F_1)的粒重,粒形等性状表现有极显著的影响。
- The per mu yield of hybrid rice exceeds that of ordinary rice by 15 to 20 percent. 杂交水稻的亩产量超过普通水稻的百分之十五至二十。
- Yuan Longping is a world-famous agronomist with the reputation of "the Father of Hybrid Rice". 袁隆平是世界著名的农学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。
- A parabolic correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers. 结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。
- A feasible approach to enhance the yield level of hybrid rice is to broaden the genetic diversity between the parents for the further improvement of heterosis level. 提高单产的可靠途径在于扩大双亲的遗传差异,进一步提高杂种优势水平。
- Through gene transplants, the country will expand experimental growing of hybrid rice, and pest-and disease-resistant cotton, wheat, maize and soybeans. 通过基因移植,国家将对杂种水稻实验种植予以推广,还将扩大有抗虫和抗病性的棉花、小麦、玉米和大豆的实验种植。
- How do you solve the problen of schooling fee? 你在加拿大的学习费用怎么解决?
- Studies on primers screening and detection techniques for polymorphism of parents and F1 of hybrid rice combination Jinyou 299 were conducted using SSR molecular marker technique. 摘要利用微卫星分子标记,对杂交稻组合金优299的双亲及F1之间的多态性进行了引物筛选和检测技术研究。
- The influence of planthormone Jieshilin to the viability of female stigmata andcomparison with other hormone applied in seed production of hybrid rice were studied. 研究了结实灵对母本柱头生活力的影响,并与其他几种制种激素在杂稻制种上应用效果进行了比较。
- The resistance of Japonica rice to bacterial blight was higher than that of Indica rice,and the resistance of routine rice was higher than that of hybrid rice. 粳稻品种对白叶枯病的抗性比籼稻强,常规稻对白叶枯病的抗性比杂交稻强;
- Abstract The ABA content of hybrid rice Cultivar Tiyou418 was higher than those of its parents Cultivar Tijin and C418 at the early stage and lower at the late stage. 提要 杂交水稻优418在灌浆前期ABA含量高于锦和C418,后期低于其亲本;
- But the male sterile trait is easy to be influenced by unpredicted low temperature during its fertility sensitive stage, it decrease seed purity of hybrid rice and lim. 但是,光温敏核不育系在敏感期内若遇上低温天气则会发生育性恢复而自交结实,从而使制种的纯度降低,严重制约了两系法杂交水稻的发展。
- One super hybrid rice research in small per-mu yield over 900 kg, achieved ahead of schedule, Phase III study of hybrid rice, fruits in the world leading level. 其中超级杂交水稻研究取得小面积亩产超过900公斤,提前实现第三期杂交水稻研究,成果居于世界领先水平。
- In this paper, a new cultivation practice (super-sparse-cultivation associated with maximum-tiller seedling, SSCMTS) of hybrid rice was proposed and its high-yielding mechanism was studied. 摘要以5个杂交中稻品种为材料,对作者提出的“杂交中稻超多蘖壮秧超稀高产栽培技术”的高产原理及技术进行了5年的研究。
- Compared with inundatory condition,aerobic condition retarded the formation of aerenchyma of hybrid rice roots and made the cortex sclerenchymatous cells array loosely in conventional japonica root. 与淹水条件相比,旱作条件下杂交稻根通气组织形成较迟,常规粳稻根皮层厚壁细胞排列较疏松。
- The results showed that the CRNF could increase the root dry weight, root length, and root length density, while the root radius became smaller during later growth stages of hybrid rice. 控释氮肥中,氮的逐渐释放,可减少具有强烈伤害的活性氧产物速率及其累积数量,提高活性氧清除酶的活性,在很大程度上延缓了杂交水稻生育后期根系的衰老和吸氮能力的衰退。
- Storage Techniqgue of Hybrid Rice Seed 杂交稻种子贮藏保管技术
- The New Breakthrough of Hybrid Rice Breeding 杂交水稻育种的新突破