- Tanabe Kunio 田边国男(1913-),日本人,众议员、官员。
- Writen and directed by Kunio Kato. 编剧和导演都是加藤久仁生。
- Or so Kunio Harimoto, the boss of Toto, believes. 对此,东陶公司的老板也深信不疑。
- Asverin Is an entirely newpatented cough medicine developed by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- Akiko Kawabata (Drawing), Hidemi Shimura (Mixed Media Fiber Art), Luo Yalan (Oil Painting), Sanae Tanabe (Textile Art). 明子川端(绘图),秀实志村(混合媒介纤维艺术),罗亚岚(油画),早苗田边(纺织艺术)。
- Asverin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine developed by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- "Japanese people simply aren't having sex," Dr. Kunio Kitamura, director of the Japan Family Planning Association said. 日本计划生育协会主任国生北村博士说:“日本人根本就很少过性生活。”
- Aserin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine deeloped by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- Asverin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine developed by Tanabe's roce . 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- "I don't drink alcohol -- that is the biggest reason for my good health," Tomoji Tanabe told reporters on Monday. 他还告诉媒体,他不吸烟,喜欢每天喝一杯牛奶。
- To look after himself, Tanabe mainly eats vegetables and few greasy dishes, an official said. 据一位官员介绍,田锅平时以吃蔬菜为主,很少吃油腻的菜。
- Kunio Busujima, the 83-year-old founder of pachinko gambling machine maker Sankyo Co Ltd, was third with a net worth of $5.4 billion, Forbes said. “柏青哥”赌博机制造商三协公司的创始人、83岁的杜岛邦夫以54亿美元的身价名列第三。
- "Quan Yin" or "six of eight degrees," the Japanese musicologists Tanabe Shangxiong by Creative. “全音”即“六数八度”,为日本音乐学家田边尚雄所创用。
- Kunio Busujima, the 83-year-old founder of pachinko gambling machine maker Sankyo Co Ltd, was third with a net worth of .4 billion, Forbes said. “柏青哥”赌博机制造商三协公司的创始人、83岁的杜岛邦夫以54亿美元的身价名列第三。
- To look after himself, Tanabe mainly eats vegetables and few greasy dishes, a Miyakonojo city official said. 宫崎县都城市的一位官员介绍说,田锅平时以吃蔬菜为主,很少吃油腻的菜。
- Japan has carried out executions approximately every two months since the previous justice minister, Kunio Hatoyama, took office in August 2007. 从2007年8月上届法务大臣鸠山邦夫就任之后,日本几乎每两个月就执行一起死刑。
- Tanabe told reporters he wants to live "another five years or so," according to city spokesman Akihide Yokoyama. 市府发言人晶英横山说,田锅友时曾告诉记者,他还想再活五年左右的时间。
- The new internal-affairs minister is Kunio Hatoyama, another grandson of a prime minister, seen even by his friends as the most incompetent justice minister in memory. 新任总务大臣鸠山邦夫,也是一位前首相的孙子[前首相鸠山一郎,译注],即使在他的朋友看来也是已知最不称职的法务大臣。
- "I'm happy," said Tomoji Tanabe as the local mayor presented him with flowers and a giant tea cup glazed with his name and date of birth."I'm well. 当本地市民们手捧鲜花、献上一只写有老人生日的大茶杯时,田锅友时老人说,“我一直保持乐观。
- Tanabe of the day eating breakfast Japanese miso soup, steamed salty bitter gourd, cooked rice and burdock, and as usual, and browse the newspaper. 田锅当天的早餐吃了日式酱汤、咸蒸苦瓜、煮牛蒡和米饭,并和往常一样浏览了报纸。