- Takeuchi Shunkichi 竹内狂内俊吉(1900-?),日本人,官员。
- Ito M, Fujita I, Takeuchi Y, et al. 王俊平;郝跃.
- Takeuchi,H.. The knowledge-creating company. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.[2] Abernathy, W...... 技术创新类型与知识管理方法的关系研究(谢洪明刘常勇)[2004-03-1911:00:24
- H. Takeuchi, S. Uyeda and H. Karamori, 1966, Debate About the Earth, Freeman, Cooper &Co., San Francisco. 陈奕亮译,地球科学的争论,1976,大中国图书公司。
- He receives ongoing therapy from the hospital where nurse Kana (Yuko Takeuchi) works. 全凭护士青岛奏(竹内结子饰)的照料与支持,天见重拾生存的勇气。
- TAKEUCHI T.Laboratory work-Chemical evalution of dietary nutrienta,Fish Nutrition and Mari-culture(WATANABE T.ed),1988,p.199-211,JAICA Text book TOKYO. 白井展也.;鱼脂肪的成分组成和食用材料有效性的研究[M]
- Shindo-Okada N,Takeuchi K,Han BS,et al.Establishment of cell lines with high and low metastatic potential from A549 human lung adenocarcinoma. 李新志;陈安民;郭风劲;等.;表达增强型绿色荧光蛋白的骨肉瘤细胞亚株建立及生物学特性
- If information is seen as a set of coded events, then consistency with Nonaka and Takeuchi occurs when they say that explicit knowledge is codified. 例如,意义模式是怎样并且通过什么样的方式形成的,从而数据被处理,信息被接合。
- Widower Takumi (Shidou Nakamura) lives a quiet life with his six-year-old son Yuji after the death of his wife Mio (Yuko Takeuchi). 秋穗巧(中村狮童饰)自妻子澪(竹内结子饰)死后,和年幼的儿子佑司相依为命。
- I also had doubts of what Jun Takeuchi said about the Sixaxis due to my experience with previous titles using the Sixaxis. 我同时也怀疑竹内润关于6轴的评论是出于对之前使用6轴游戏的感受。
- While co-op play was unveiled late in the RE5 development time frame, it's actually the base for development, explained Takeuchi. 虽然合作社发挥下旬揭幕的RE5发展的时限,这实际上是为发展基地,竹解释。
- Nodame Cantabile received the Best Drama, Best Actress (Ueno Juri), and Best Director (Takeuchi Hideki) awards at the 51st Television Drama Academy Awards. 原来千秋因醉酒而被住在隔壁的同系学妹野田惠带回家中。
- Takeuchi operations were performed in four patients,direct left coronary artery transplant in one patient and simple left coronary artery legation in one patient. 4例采用肺动脉内隧道法重建左冠状动脉与主动脉连接,1例行左冠状动脉移植术,1例行单纯左冠状动脉结扎术。
- However, the responses that the book has so far drawn from the readers in China continue to frame Takeuchi's style of irony against some political correct lines. 适巧战后日本思想界阅读竹内好时,也是在政治正确与否的框架下进行。
- Takeuchi, H. and J.Dorman, 1964.Partial derivatives of surface wave phase velocity with respect to physical parameter changes within the Earth, J.Geophys.Res., 69, 3429-3441. 史旻弘,2001.;利用重力资料估算台湾海峡之莫霍面深度,国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文,共72页。
- Koichi Takeuchi, chairman of the Osaka fan group, was quoted by Japanese media as saying the idea was to help foreign friends who feared they would be viewed as hooligans by Japanese police. 日本媒体援引大阪球迷组织主席竹内小知(音)的话说,这个点子是为了帮助那些担心自己被日本警察看成流氓的外国朋友。
- This paper gives a definition of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency for estimates in general truncated distribution family, proves the efficiency of ordinary important estimates,and compares this efficiency with Takeuchi efficiency. 本文在一般截断型分布族中给出了参数函数的估计的Bahadur型渐近有效性的一种定义,验证了常用估计德这种渐近有效性,比较了Bahadur型与竹内启型渐近有效性之间的关系,系统地给出了具有Bahadur型但不具竹内启型渐近有效性估计的例子。
- Yoshihiro Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Fujiki, Norio Tsubokawa. Preparation of amphiphilic carbon black by postgrafting of polyethyleneimine to grafted polymer chains on the surface[J].Polymer Bulletin, 1998, 41: 85?90. 坪川纪夫著,田水译.;疏水性高分子与炭黑表面亲水性接枝高分子的二次接枝反应及该炭黑的分散性[J]
- Ichikawa K, Takeuchi Y, Yonezawa S , et al. Antiangiogenic photodynamic therapy( PDT ) using Visudyne causes effective suppression of tumor growth [ J ] . Cancer Lett ,2004 ,205 (1) :39248. 章申峰;龚兴国.;光动力疗法对肿瘤的作用机制及其影响因素[J]
- Their discussions also covered expanding sales of Japanese rice and other products, and support for Japanese food makers to operate in China, Itochu spokeswoman Yuko Takeuchi said. 在中国和日本,人们对食品供应的担忧有所加剧。西方外交人士上周表示,俄罗斯计划成立一家国营粮食贸易公司,以控制至多一半的俄罗斯谷类出口。