- Take life a little easier 生活放松点
- But there are a few guidelines that make life a little easier and some "gotchas" that you need to watch out for. 但是,有几条可以让生活变得稍微容易一点的原则以及一些您需要小心的陷阱。
- This classy and handy machine makes life a little easier for your dear ones by serving them hot piping Espresso or Cappuccino every single morning unfailingly. 一张圣诞贺卡或许诚意十足,但是男人真正喜欢的礼物又有谁能了解?以下是为男人精挑细选的圣诞礼物,让男人女人欢欢喜喜过圣诞。
- I was up half the night checking the barracks for contraband. Why do they work us so hard? Come and see me later, American, and perhaps we can make life a little easier for each other. 我半夜起来检查兵营看有没有违禁品。为什么他们让我们工作的这么辛苦?美国人,待会过来我这,也许我们可以让彼此的生活都好过点。
- It'll make a little easier to climb in, well, if I deflate my life preserver. 假如我将救生设备的气放掉,会更轻易爬到救生筏上。
- To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot. 小小的生活,却需要你投注大大的爱。
- Fianna: They should take life a bit more seriously. Such reckless behavior will destroy them. 他们应该生活的更认真一些。如此不顾后果的行为会毁了他们。
- After a busy life he was content to lie back and take life easy. 在忙碌的生活后过上了悠闲自在的生活,他心满意足。
- Obviously, this is a little easier said than done. Complaining is an addiction and a hard habit to break. Like any other habit to break, it will take time. 说出来容易,做起来难,抱怨也许成为了你的一个习惯,慢慢的克服,时间可以证明一切,相信自己可以,就一定可以
- At no point in his life should a revolutionary lie back and take life easy. 一个革命者在一生中的任何时刻,都不应该停止战斗去过安逸的生活。
- I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
- I take life easier and am less tense. 我更轻松过日子,紧张更少了。
- If you can make the prices a little easier, we shall probably be able to place an order. 如果您能再降一点价格,我们也许会下订单。
- Most of us, however, take life for granted. 但是,我们大多数人把生活认为是理所当然的。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。
- What if you wanted to make your job a little easier and display, say, only the unique or duplicate lines? 如果您希望您的工作轻松点,比如只显示唯一的或重复的行,那么该怎么办呢?
- Hamilton after he left the court he was a little easier, then he will fly to Singapore rush Zurich. 汉密尔顿在他离开法庭后他感到了些许轻松,随后他将赶往苏黎世飞赴新加坡。
- He took a friend's life a few years ago. 几年前他杀死了一位朋友。
- While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier. 当我待在浴室的时候,我为了让我下一次过来的时候更简单而把浴室后窗的玻璃卸了。
- Dwellers here live a happy life now. 现在这里居民的生活很幸福。