- People always take great care of horses. 人们总是很爱护自己的马匹的。
- Take great care of it. 对此要多加小心。
- She takes great care of her clothes. 她非常爱惜自己的衣服。
- He took great care of his books. 他非常爱护书籍。
- He took great care of his mother. 他悉心照料他母亲。
- She takes great care of her children. 她精心照看孩子.
- He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. 他对她体贴入微、呵护备至,把最好的东西都给了她。
- "I will take great care of it, and return it in a few days, as I have, at present, abundant leisure for reading." 现因得一闲暇,可浏览之,我当知倍加爱惜,并于数日之内奉还。
- Please take great care of your own belongings, especially the water-funk ones such as the camera, cell phone, etc. 请大家带好自己随身携带的物品,如相机、手机等怕水的物品,咱们一定要保管好了;
- Take great care to do it properly. 要格外用心地把这事做好。
- You take great care to do it properly. 要格外用心地把这事做好。
- Just give me your card and I'll take care of it. 把卡给我,我来办吧。
- Leave that to me.I'll take care of it. 把这事交给我,我来负责办。
- The important thing is to take great care with what you have while the world lets you have it, Just as a traveler takes care of a room at an inn. 重要的是,当世界让你暂时拥有那些东西的期间你就要好好看管,就像一个旅客在客栈里看管好他的房间一样。
- I'll ask the luggage man to take care of it. 我会让行李员看管行李的。
- You took great care of us Players and treated us in the best way one could imagine. You're a terrific host! 我们受到了超乎想象的无微不至的关照,你们真是超级东道主!
- Yes,sir. I'll take care of it right away. 好的,马上就好了。
- Right you are,but take good care of it. 可以,但是要小心使用。
- And the characteristics such as novelty, specialties and rareness were taken great care of when the agriculture tourisms gardens were designed. 无土栽培技术可以根据景点设计的需要和季节的变化,因地制宜,达到出奇制胜的目的。
- Here is your room card, please take care of it. 这是您的房卡,请拿好。