- Take a detached view of sth 对某事物采取公正的观点
- The bears quoted above are all academics or strategists who can afford to take a detached view when the markets move against them. 以上所引熊市论调都出自学者或战略分析师,他们在市场背离其预测时仍能坚持冷眼看市。
- Take a madingibreak. A break will give you a detached view ofjtthe market and a fresh look at yourself and dhe way youwant toktrade forhe next severalm weeks. 在交易之中不妨找个时间休息一下。休息一下可以让你站在另一个角度上来看一看市场,让你重新看一看你自己以及你在以后几个星期内想用的交易方法。
- A break will give you a detached view of the market and a fresh look at yourself and the way you want to trade for the next several weeks. 休息一下可以让你站在另一个度上来看一看市场,让你重新看一看你自己以及你在以后几个星期内想用的交易方法。
- This time round, I was able to take a more detached view. 这回就不同了。
- We must take a long-range view of things. 我们对事物要有长远观点。
- Take a dismal view of the economy. 对经济抱着不乐观的看法。
- Dr Hallowell would take a dim view of this. 哈洛韦尔医生可能会对这个问题产生悲观的看法。
- Don't take a static view of things. 不要用固定的眼光看问题。
- Her parents took a dim view of her staying out so late. 她父母不赞成她在外边呆到深更半夜才回家。
- Dismal weather; took a dismal view of the economy. 阴沉的天气; 对经济抱着不乐观的看法
- I'm afraid I take a rather dim view of the prospects. I see very little chance of success. 恐怕我对前景不抱什么希望,我看很少有成功的机会。
- He took a detached attitude to the matter. 他对那件事持超然的态度。
- Look at things through coloured spectacles-- take a distorted view of sth 带有色眼镜看问题
- take a detached view 抱公平态度
- She takes a rather narrow view of the subject. 她对这一问题有些偏见。
- Took a dim view of their prospects. 对他们的前景持悲观观点
- I took a dim view of his chances of recovery. 我对他康复的可能性很怀疑。
- She took a dim view of my suggestion. 她对我的建议持否定态度。
- I took a dim view of my chances of victory. 我对我成功的机会是持悲观看法。