- Taiwan rs largest carrier 台湾最大的航空公司
- China boasts the world rs largest number of lakes on plateaus. 中国是世界上高原湖泊最多的国家。
- The Blue Whale is the world rs largest living animal. 蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。
- Delta Air Lines, the world's largest carrier after its merger with Northwest last year, saw its traffic slump for the eighth straight month. 去年与西南航空合并后成为世界最大的航空公司的德尔塔航空,其航运客流量持续第八个月大幅下降。
- Taiwan rs opposition presidential candidate 台湾反对党的“总统”候选人
- Wait for section column, the node that base end receives firmly designs, bears larger carrier curved rules, suits the buil-ding that has crane. 等截面柱,底端固接的节点设计,承受更大的支座弯矩,适合有吊车的建筑物。
- 9Th largest carrier serving the US 美线第9大承运人
- two of the world rs largest markets 世界上最大的两个市场
- Iraq rs largest nuclear facility 伊拉克最大的核设施
- After Taiwan, Hainan is easily the largest of all our islands. 除了台湾,海南无疑地是我国最大的海岛。
- He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 据说他以前是台湾最有钱的人。
- Taiwan is the largest island of China. 台湾是中国最大的岛屿。
- Taiwan seems to contain no petroleum. 台湾恐怕没有蕴藏石油吧!
- Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票?
- Kao-hsiung is the second largest city in Taiwan. 高雄市是台湾第二大城市。
- Owning immense networks and users, large carriers are in the dominant position of telecom market and attract attentions from all walks. 由于具有庞大的网络和用户基础,大型运营商在整个电信市场的位置举足轻重,其一举一动均受到业内外特别的关注。
- There is no denying that Taiwan is a beautiful island. 台湾是座美丽的岛屿,这是不可否认的。
- No student in this school is from the southern part of Taiwan. 这个学校没有一个学生是来自南台湾的。
- USA will build a larger carrier presences if atwar or after 1941 美国将在战时或1941年后大量制造航母
- Each year, many foreign tourist visit taiwan for sight-seeing. 每年有许多外国观光客到台湾观光。