- The Taiwan authority replaced 10 department leaders in the reshuffle. 据了解,此次改组中有10个部门更换新负责人。
- Taiwan authorities have a different approach. 台湾当局则有不同的作法。
- Because Taiwan authorities is caused,this is. 这是由于台湾当局造成的。
- Compared with Taiwan authority's successful canvass, our work on US congress is far from enough. 与台湾当局对美国国会的成功游说相比,我国对美国国会工作做得还不够。
- The Taiwan authority “administrative chief” Liu Zhaoxuan also quite shocks, condemns the violence publicly. 台当局“行政院长”刘兆玄也相当震惊,公开谴责暴力。
- The Austria group committee spokesperson stressed that, creates thisresult the responsibility completely to lie in the Taiwan authority. 奥组委发言人强调,造成这一结果的责任完全在于台湾当局。
- We hope to work together with the Taiwan authorities in this respect. 我们希望同台湾当局共同为祖国的统一携手迈进。
- Taiwan authority at first initiated a policy of 'Three Nos' and adhered to the policy of 'reunite China with Sanmin Doctrine ' as the core of its mainland policy. 同时,中国共产党针对台湾当局偏离一个中国原则的言论和行动进行了坚决斗争。台湾当局为应对两岸交流,设置了处理两岸关系的有关机构,出台了有关政策法规,规范了两岸民间交流活动。
- He says the Taiwan authority disregarding the criticism of Taiwan media and the opposition of the international community is stepping up to promote the referendum, which seriously endangers the peace of the Taiwan straits. 他说,台湾当局无视台湾媒体和国际社会的反对谴责,一意孤行的公投行为,将威胁到两岸的和平。
- What should we do if the Taiwan authorities refuse to negotiate with us forever? 如果台湾当局永远不同我们谈判,怎么办?
- The Taiwan authority stemming from the political aspect consideration, has established all sorts of barriers to the financial cooperation, causing the financial cooperation development to be slow. 台湾当局出于政治方面的考虑,对两岸金融合作设置了种种障碍,使两岸金融合作发展缓慢。
- The party, governmental and military systems of Taiwan will be administered by the Taiwan authorities themselves. 台湾的党、政、军等系统,都由台湾自己来管。
- The party,governmental and military systems of Taiwan will be administered by the Taiwan authorities themselves. 台湾的党、政、军等系统,都由台湾自己来管。
- Under the direction of Lee Teng-hui,the Taiwan authorities have adopted a series of measures toward actual separation. 在李登辉主导下,台湾当局采取了一系列实际的分裂步骤。
- We therefore need time to work on both the Taiwan authorities and the US government. 所以,一个台湾方面的工作,一个美国方面的工作,都要花时间。
- I do not understand why the Taiwan authorities are afraid of talking about'one China'. 我不明白,为什么台湾方面怕谈一个中国。
- Since 1993, for seven years running, the Taiwan authorities have manoeuvred for participation in the United Nations. 一九九三年以来,连续七年推动所谓“参与联合国”的活动。
- Taiwan authorities greatly advanced efforts to prevent trafficking during the reporting period. 台湾当局在报告期间内展示了防止人口贩卖上极大的努力。
- The bribery case in 1991 involving the sale of 6 French Lafayette frigates to Taiwan authorities. 这起受贿案涉及1991年法国出售6艘拉法叶舰给台湾当局。
- The Republic of China on Taiwan authorities, the illegal misappropriation of military pensions Memorial family. 基于台湾中华民国当局,非法侵吞国军阵亡将士家族抚恤金。