- Now the Thao tribe is officially the smallest indigenous people in Taiwan. 目前邵族正式成为台湾最小的原住民族群。
- The Paiwan is currently the second largest of Taiwan’s indigenous tribes, and is distributed in Pingtung and Taitung counties. 排湾,是台湾少数民族中人口数字居第二的族群,主要分布在屏东县、台东县。
- Indigenous people have lived in Australia for. 原住民已经存在于澳洲多久?
- The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants. 当地的土著对外来移民可谓赶尽杀绝。
- This is a project that the indigenous people want and hope for. 这是土著们想要并希望得到的一个项目。
- The right to self-determination, particularly for indigenous people like Greenland’s Inuit, more commonly known as Eskimos, was a recurring theme this weekend. 自我决定权,尤其是对格陵兰因纽特原居民,即常说的爱斯基摩人来说,是本周末活动的重复主题。
- "Program for Study on Self-culture of Indigenous People" was planned by Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture in Taiwan National Dong Hwa University at its founding in 1995 as a cultural practice. 摘要东华大学族群所本于文化知识的实践行动,于1995年创所之初即规划“原住民自助文化研究计划”。
- We concluded that the combination of PBL and the teaching history of Taiwan's indigenous people helped medical students to learn independently, work cooperatively, and think critically. 是以透过PBL与原住民史之课程内容,可使学生养成自我学习的习惯,并达到医预科课程目标:培养医学生人文素养、自我学习、团队合作与批判能力。
- Which is the country with the highest percentage of indigenous people? 哪一国家拥有最高比例的原住民人口?
- It has no indigenous people to press land rights, as has the Arctic. 它不像北极那样,它没有土著居民坚持土地所有权。
- A member of any of the indigenous peoples of Melanesia. 美拉尼西亚人美拉尼西亚土著人之一员
- A member of an indigenous people of Japan, now inhabiting parts of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. 阿伊努人日本一个土著民族的成员,现主要居住在北海道,萨哈林岛和千岛群岛。
- A member of an indigenous people of Japan,now inhabiting parts of Hokkaido,Sakhalin,and the Kuril Islands. 钏路日本北海道东南一城市,位于太平洋上。它是北海道唯一的不冻商业港。人口214,
- As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley, they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people. 傣泰人定居于肥沃的河谷低地以后,政治上控制了洛人原住民。
- In addition, access to the indigenous people love to eat nuts Chamorro, the simple experience of local folk customs. 此外,还可以访问爱吃槟榔的土著居民查莫洛人,体会当地淳朴的民风。
- The rain forest is also home to 20 million people including 180,000 indigenous people. 热带雨林是2亿人的家,其中有18万的原著民族。
- She contrasts the rights that were granted to French exiles with rights denied to indigenous people. 她将法国流放犯拥有的权利与原住民没有的权利进行了对比。
- The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups,like children,refugees,displaced persons,minorities,indigenous people and the disabled. 联合国及其机构保护弱势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著居民和残疾人。
- Morocco was proud to chair the Advisory Board that advised on the operation of the Voluntary Contribution Fund for the benefit of indigenous people. 摩洛哥担任咨询委员会的主席,就自愿捐助基金让土著人民受益的问题提供咨询意见,为此感到非常自豪。
- As the voice came nearer, I saw a group of indigenous people running towards me, and of course I happily ran forward to greet them. 呼唤声越来越近,不久只见一群原住民青年向这边疾奔过来,我高兴地迎上前去。