- She wrote a memoir of her stay in France. 她写了一篇旅法记事录。
- We will unite with Taiwan compatriots in firm opposition to all forms of secessionist activities such as calls for Taiwan independence through legislation. 团结广大台湾同胞,坚决反对“台湾法理独立”等任何形式的分裂活动。
- The actors set the fashion in France. 在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。
- He has gone over to/is over in France. 他到法国去了。
- In the interest of safeguarding state sovereignty and realizing national reunification the Chinese Government has always stood firm on the principle of one China and ensured the interests of Taiwan compatriots in international relations involving Taiwan. 为维护国家主权和实现国家的统一,中国政府在国际事务中处理涉及台湾的问题时,始终坚持一个中国的原则,一贯维护台湾同胞的利益。
- A vineyard or wine-producing region in France. 克鲁法国的葡萄园或葡萄酒生产区
- Such policies and measures of the Chinese Government have won the understanding and support of more and more Taiwan compatriots,compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao as well as overseas Chinese and people of Chinese descent. 中国政府的对台政策和措施,得到了越来越多的台湾同胞、港澳同胞和海外侨胞、华人的理解和支持。
- Oxford's twin town in France is Leon. 牛津在法国的友好城市是里昂。
- She cooks omelets in butter as they do in France. 她用奶油做法国式的蛋卷。
- Their holiday in France didn't come up to expectations. 他们在法国度假未尽如人意。
- Taiwan compatriots; our compatriots in Taiwan 台胞
- She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. 她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。
- She has become very food-minded since her holiday in France. 她自法国度假回来,对食物就很讲究了。
- I see the overseas compatriot in the extremely endeavor! 我看见国外的同胞在十分的努力!
- The subsidiary is in France but the parent company is in America. 子公司在法国,但母公司在美国。
- If I don't get paid for that job soon, bang goes my holiday in France. 要是我不马上拿到那份工作的报酬,那么去法国度假就即刻成为泡影。
- I used to study in France in the year one. 我早年曾在法国学习。
- I mind the time when we were in France together. 我记得我们一起在法国的时候。
- We'll splurge on a trip in France next year. 明年咱们去法国挥霍玩个痛快。
- Pierre and Marie live in France. 皮埃尔和玛丽住在法国。