- "Your work's nowhere near up to scratch, Su Lun! “苏伦,你的工作很坏!
- Su Lun now intervened in an effort to break the deadlock. 苏伦就出来作缓冲:
- Ma Chin suddenly rolled over, pushed Su Lun away and sprang off the bed. 玛金忽然猛一翻身,推开了苏伦,就跳了起来说道:
- Ke Tso-fu gave her a withering look and turned to Tsai Chen and Su Lun. 克佐甫严厉地瞅了她一眼,转脸就对蔡真和苏伦说:
- As she walked along, Ma Chin remembered her dispute with Ke Tso-fu and Su Lun's beastly behaviour. 一路上,玛金想起自己和克佐甫的争论,想起了苏伦的丑态,心里是又怒又恨。
- By saying this she had warded off a dispute between Tsai Chen and Su Lun and at the same time brought Chen Yueh-ngo to Ke Tso-fu's notice. 玛金阻住了蔡真和苏伦的争辩,引起克佐甫注意陈月娥。
- Su Lun turned and watched her face for a moment, then grinned and said quietly in an imitation of Ke Tso-fu's voice, "I'm warning you, Ma Chin! ... 苏伦转眼看着玛金那苦思的神气,就笑了一笑,学着克佐甫的口吻低声叫道: “我警告你,玛金
- Su Lun, who agreed with Ma Chin and also understood what Chen Yueh-ngo was trying to say, made another attempt to resolve the deadlock. 苏伦是赞成玛金的,也了解陈月娥的意思,他就再作一次缓冲:
- It was obvious that she was perplexed by all the "technical terms" used by Ke Tso-fu and Su Lun, and that she had plenty of ideas but could not find the right words. 显然她对于克佐甫以及苏伦他们那些“术语”很感困难,并且她有许多意见却找不到适当的话语来表白。
- Su Lun now intervened in an effort to break the deadlock 苏伦就出来作缓冲
- Ke Tso-fu gave her a withering look and turned to Tsai Chen and Su Lun 克佐甫严厉地瞅了她一眼,转脸就对蔡真和苏伦说
- In 1925 when the Eighth Panchen Lama of Tibet came to Beijing, he had Ying'Tai as his residence. 1925 年,西藏的八世班禅入京,也曾住在瀛台。
- After a moment, Su Lun heaved a sigh and said, "Since Little Wang left Shanghai she's deserted me!" 过了一会儿,苏伦又轻轻地叹一口气说: “小黄离开了上海就对我倒戈
- Ma Chin jerked round on the bed and gave Su Lun a strange look, then said quite casually, "Don't start a rumour!" 玛金的身体在床上动了一下,怪样地看了苏伦一眼,很随便似的说: “你不要造谣
- This famous school was founded in 1925. 这所著名的学院始创于1925年。
- This rule has been superseded since 1925. 自1925年以来,此项原则已退居次位。
- She smiled, but Su Lun suddenly became serious; he heaved a sharp sigh and said grimly 可是苏伦的态度突又转为严肃,用力吐出一口气,郑重地说
- Guo Bangqing, was born in Sichuan in 1925. 郭邦清,生于1925年,四川人,著名画家。
- Su tried to give her ideas, but the other girls talked her down. 苏想出点主意,却被其他女孩高声压倒。
- His death is weightier than Mount Tai. 他的死比泰山还重。