- Tactical Moving Map Display 战术活动地图显示
- Moving Map Display Equipment 移动地图显示设备
- moving map display 活动地图显示器
- EPS is a moving map project. If can use GPS units (currently GARMIN). EPS是一个移动地图项目。可以使用GPS单元(目前是GARMIN)。
- But exiled Chadian rebel spokesman Makaila Nguebla, speaking from Dakar, says it was a tactical move. 但是流亡中的反政府军发言人恩盖布拉在达喀尔说,那只是一项战术行动。
- Some observers said the announcement could be a tactical move to pre-empt criticism of China's human rights record over the next year. 部分观察家表示,上述声明可能是一种先声夺人的战术,旨在防堵今后一年期间针对中国人权记录的批评。
- Heat Map Display: You can now color nodes in the Hypergraph according to their performance in various metrics. (热图显示:现在你可以在Hypergraph里给节点指定颜色,根据它们表现中各种各样的指标。
- As an important part of the Vehicle Navigation System(VNS for short),Electronic Map display is the foundation of the human-computer interface. 电子地图的显示是车载导航系统的一个重要组成部分,是人机界面的基础。
- Fieldwork progress and workload will be monitored at the backend control centre in a digital map display using geographic information system technologies. 后端控制中心可透过使用地理信息系统技术的数码地图,监察工作量和执行进度。
- US soyabean and corn prices dropped yesterday after China announced plans to sell some of its state reserves next week, provoking talk that this was a tactical move to pull these markets lower. 昨日,美国大豆和玉米价格下跌。此前中国宣布计划在下周出售部分国家储备,引发言论称,这是旨在拉低这些市场的战术举措。
- VITO SmartMap is a GPS moving map for your Smartphone.
It uses relatively small vector maps, which are perfect for driving or hiking with it. 手机地图业务是用户在手机上,通过客户端软件以图形化界面方式来查询用户位置、交通线路、周边信息等地图信息的位置业务。现有主要功能有:定位自己、城市搜索、行车探路、地图缩放等。 - Note: The world hunger map display above is representational only and does not show the names and faces of real people. The photographs are computer composites of multiple individuals. 备注:上面展示的饥饿地图没有显示人的真实姓名和面貌,图片都是经过计算机合成的。
- Mapping application developers: Combine raster, vector and elevation data to create dynamic moving maps using KineMap digital map software. 数字地图制作工具,将光栅、量和海拔数据生成动态地图。
- Advanced computerized primary flight displays, moving maps, and solid state sensors for GA or military aircraft. 为军用飞机提供计算机飞行显示、移动地图、固态探测器服务。
- The map displays the entire world using a cylindrical map projection; this results in a good display of low latitudes, but severe distortion at high latitudes. 地图使用圆柱形,这样会使低纬度地区显示得比较明显并且会使高纬度地区仅仅发生很小的形变。
- Large clean maps display the reported UFO sightings and on the right-hand side of the map additional information about each sighting is recorded. 巨大而清晰的地图展示了报道过的UFO目睹事件 .;在地图的右侧,记录了每个目睹事件的额外的一些信息。
- I knew exactly which direction I was going thanks to the GPS map displayed on the screen that popped out of the armrest of my airline seat. 我知道我前进的精确方向,这借助于座位扶手伸出的屏幕上的GPS地图。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。
- The classical tactical move to win the victim's trust." 骗取敌人的信任,这是古往今来的战术手法。
- Teams ride in the specially outfitted SUVs and rely on sophisticated monitors displaying moving maps and icons while live video from the multi-camera system is shown on separate screens. 队乘坐专门配备七个依靠先进的监测显示移动地图和图标直播视频从多摄像系统显示在屏幕上分开。