- Earlier our political boss must have been comforting under false sense of security that China has not conducted anti missile test despite the fact that they have S300 missile and its chini clones. 早些时候我们的政治老板肯定还因为中国没有反导拦截系统而自欺欺人,而感到欣慰,却不顾中国已有S300和相关山寨货的事实。
- The JL-2 missile program was delayed by the test failure but is continuing to be developed, the officials said. “JL-2 导弹项目因为测试失败而延迟,但是该项目仍在进行中”; 该官员说.
- One analyst says the base is a clear indication the country continues to develop its ballistic missile program. 专家认为这个基地的存在明确透露了这个国家仍然在发展其弹道导弹项目。
- The DPRK’s missile program became an international issue because of the development of the ‘Rodong 1’. 北韩的导弹问题因为“劳动”导弹的发明而成为了一个国际问题。
- The Cox Report alleges that, since Qian Xuesen had been working on the US Titan intercontinental missile program, he illegally brought back with him to China the US missile technology and related information. 《考克斯报告》称,由于钱学森曾参与美国“大力神”洲际导弹计划,从而将美国的导弹和相关技术非法带到中国。
- The Cox Report alleges that,since Qian Xuesen had been working on the US Titan intercontinental missile program,he illegally brought back with him to China the US missile technology and related information. 《考克斯报告》称,由于钱学森曾参与美国“大力神”洲际导弹计划,从而将美国的导弹和相关技术非法带到中国。
- Like India, Pakistan has a well-developed ballistic missile program, including medium-range missiles that could launch an antisatellite system. 巴基斯坦和印度同样有相当先进的弹道飞弹系统,包括可发射反卫星系统的中程飞弹。
- Security Council resolution 1718 - approved after its 2006 nuclear test-demanding an end to Pyonyang's nuclear weapon and missile programs. 安理会是在北韩于2006年进行导弹试射之后通过这项决议的,决议要求结束平壤的核武器与导弹计划。
- It would freeze funds overseas of people or businesses connected with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. 草案还规定冻结与朝鲜核计划和弹道导弹计划有关的人或公司在海外的资金。
- There are persistent reports that Pakistan and South Africa have co-operated on several missile programmes, including new AAMs. 一直以来都流传着有关巴基斯坦和南非在多个导弹项目上进行合作的报道,其中就有新型空空导弹。
- The moderately tougher sanctions include banning Iranian arms exports, and freezing the assets of28 people and organizations involved in Iran's nuclear and missile programs. 这些更加强硬的制裁包括:禁止伊朗武器出口,冻结参与伊朗核导弹项目的组织和28个个人的资产。
- dual role air dominance missile program “双任务制空导弹”计划
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- The incident comes amid tense relations between the countries over the North's nuclear and missile programs and amid a steady deterioration in ties since early last year. 自从去年北朝鲜实施核计化与导弹计划以来,朝韩关系紧张而且日趋恶化,这次事件正好发生在此多事之秋。
- Air Force Ballistic Missile Program 空军弹道导弹计划
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。
- An instance of the use of this delaying tactic. 阻挠议事的情形应用这种拖延策略的实例
- nuclear weapons and missile program 核武器和导弹计划
- Their missile silos are below ground. 他们的导弹发射井在地下。
- The missile had blown the battleship asunder. 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。