- Table Space Change 表空间更改
- Sequential Backup - Backing up table space one after the other. 连续备份一个接一个地备份表空间。
- Online restore for table space with a good backup image. 用好的备份映像联机恢复表空间。
- How does the differentiation of residential space change the interactive space in community? 居住空间分化对社区交往行动与社区建设有怎样的影响?
- Foreign capital flow, growth pole, hinterlandcompetition and government action are the main mechanism of coastal space change. 而外资流向、增长极、腹地竞争和政府行为是引导空间结构演化的主要机制。
- Oracle uses archived logs to roll forward to consistent state and Undo table space to rollback any uncommitted data. Oracle使用归档日志来前滚到一致状态,并撤销表空间来回滚任何未提交数据。
- Partition the table space as evenly as possible, because the degree of parallelism is influenced by skews in the data. 尽可能均匀地对表空间分区,因为数据不整会对并行度产生影响。
- Base on it, we track the time and space change of stress drop in research region, and disscuss the evolvement characteristics of time and space of stress drop before Jun. 2004. 在此基础上开展了该研究区应力降时空变化的动态跟踪工作,最后对研究区2004年6月以前的应力降时空演化特征做了一定程度的探讨。
- Table space can span more than one partition and can have a different page size and buffer pool. 表空间可以跨多个分区,并且可以具有不同的页面大小和缓冲池。
- For online backup, special care needs to be taken for the SYSTEM table space and rollback segments table space. 对于联机备份,需要特别注意SYSTEM表空间和回滚段表空间。
- For table space tracking, a flag for each table space indicates whether a table space is dirty and need to be back up. 对于表空间跟踪,每个表空间的标志指出了表空间是否是脏的,以及是否需要备份。
- The space is comprised of pages, each of which may contain rows from any table defined in the table space. 这种表空间由页构成,每个页可以包含该表空间中定义的任何表中的行。
- If you are working with large data sets, consider using a dedicated buffer pool for the table space. 如果是使用大型数据集,可考虑用专用的缓冲池来代替表空间。
- If you build the index immediately, the table space is scanned, which can take a considerable amount of time. 如果立即建立索引,则需要扫描表空间,这样要花费比较多的时间。
- Also, restoring a table space will only require exclusive use for that table space. 而且恢复表空间将只要求排它使用某个表空间。
- Issue the commands below to check whether a table space is enabled for dropped table recovery and if not, turn it on. 发出下面的命令来检查是否为表空间启用了对被删除表的恢复支持,如果没有启用,就打开它。
- Therefore, REORG usually produces a dictionary that is more representative of the data in the entire table space or partition. 因此,REORG常常可以产生更能代表整个表空间或分区中的数据的字典。
- The downside to this approach is that the operations must be performed serially, and a table space rebalance may occur after each of these steps. 这种方法的副作用是操作必须按顺序进行,每一步操作之后都可能出现表空间重新调整。
- If you anticipate this kind of growth, it is wise to define the table space as being partitioned when it is designed and created. 如果预见到这样的增长,那么明智的做法是,在设计和创建表空间时将其定义为分区的。
- The result shows those sarcolemma take place positional shaft and bring the space changes with myofibril during excitation-contraction coupling. 结果表明:骨骼肌兴奋-收缩偶联发生时,肌膜产生位移并与肌纤维的间距发生改变;